Water Erosion

Water Erosion

1.0.0 - Three Waterfalls from a Savanna lake

1.0.0 - Three Waterfalls from a Savanna lake

Water from an underground lake within a Savanna lake creates three waterfalls and flood a cave entrance. Note: Pointless channels are no more as of V1.1.1
1.0.0 - A tall Mountain waterfall heads to the river

1.0.0 - A tall Mountain waterfall heads to the river

1.0.0 - A Mountain spring creates two waterfalls into the river

1.0.0 - A Mountain spring creates two waterfalls into the river

1.0.0 - Two Plains lakes flow to the sea

1.0.0 - Two Plains lakes flow to the sea

1.0.0 - A Forest creek flows from a hill spring

1.0.0 - A Forest creek flows from a hill spring

The waters from a hill spring have eroded a creek down the hill in a forest
1.1.0 - Triple Sand Generator

1.1.0 - Triple Sand Generator

A three level Gravel->Sand generator can convert all that spare gravel you've mined into useful sand
1.1.0 - Hillside Forest Creeks - Side

1.1.0 - Hillside Forest Creeks - Side

An eroded creek curves through the forest
1.0.0 - A creek flows through a Big Tree Taiga

1.0.0 - A creek flows through a Big Tree Taiga

1.1.0 - Hillside Forest Creeks - Top

1.1.0 - Hillside Forest Creeks - Top

This entire creek system would not exist in the stock game. It would just be the small lake at the top of the hill.