Water Erosion

Water Erosion


bug: alpha2 water interaction with flower is wrong

MilkissWhite opened this issue ยท 4 comments


minecraft 1.15.2
forge 31.1.12
watererosion 1.15.2-forge-1.1.0-alpha2

water that flowing above flower happen something wrong. it break flower but immediatly re-plant. and repeat it rapidly.

it can reproduce easilly.

here is screenshot.
1 - before water flow.


2 - while water flowing. this situation make noise(flower breaking sound). and you can see dropped flower item. it's not new one. broken flower block don't disappear.


thx for reading


Weird. Thanks for screenshots! Flowers are not supposed to be "erodable" or "decayable". Maybe a boolean is flipped. I'll attempt to reproduce and add details.


What other mods are you running? I cannot reproduce in development. Can you reproduce the issue on your machine without the other mods? I see at least a minimap mod.

2020-02-19_11 49 07
2020-02-19_11 49 20


I also couldn't reproduce if I remove all my mod except mixinbootstrap and water-erosion.
I'll test some supecious mods.


I did reproduce. VanillaTweaks (https://github.com/StrikerRockers-Mods/VanillaTweaks) mod making this problem. water-erosion have no relation with this wierd bug. I'll go to bug report that github.
sorry about I made you confuse.