Water Erosion

Water Erosion


Make it ignore farmland please

agaertner opened this issue ยท 7 comments


We are building machines with water flowing down so it farms all the plants and you can just collect them.
But the farmland is eroding.
Please, make it ignore dirt blocks which a player used a hoe on.

We cannot use the mod otherwise


Erosion actually destroys farmland in real life. Can you think of a way to keep this realistic while not breaking the machines?

The quick answer of course is #1 - Feature: Configurable Erosion Odds and Types

Possible long term better solution: How long are you flowing water to collect the plants? Aren't you flowing some water and then shutting it off? What if water had exist at a specific block position for a minimum period of time before it would erode? I could create a "Minimum existence time before erosion" check by adding a timestamp of last block change. ๐Ÿค”


The machines lets water flow down and collects crops along the way. It even erodes farmland along the way directly below.

Erosion actually destroys farmland in real life. Can you think of a way to keep this realistic while not breaking the machines?

The thing here is that too much realism is annoying. If I wanted extreme "realism" why do we play games? Don't get me wrong, I do like my game to LOOK and FEEL close to real. I enjoy modern photographic resourcepacks as well. My point is that it should enhance the game experience not introduce new hassles the core game already has enough off. (Water crops, hunger, mobs, leveling, wooden structures during thunderstorms, getting resources for structures etc) I can turn off the game and go real life if I wanted to play real life. It sounds ridiculous at first but I hope it makes you realise that realism-mods need to be carefully designed to be enjoyable and not be a reminder of day-to-day life. The goal with immersiveness should be to "approach" realism while still keeping it a game.

Note, I say this while being a geosciences enthuasiast. I love me some evolving nature.

The quick answer of course is #1 - Feature: Configurable Erosion Odds and Types

please implement this so we can actually use this wonderful mod to enhance the nature and environment we are playing in without it interupting our gameplay.
Definitely give an option to differntiate between normal dirt/grass_block and the ones a hoe was used on.


If I wanted extreme "realism" why do we play games?

I play games for the realism, to experience a reality not currently available. Yes, though, many people play for escape.

The goal with immersiveness should be to "approach" realism while still keeping it a game.

That is already exactly my goal; why my suggested long term solution would resolve your issue actually more realistically than the current functionality. Adding yet-another minor "hassle" is my intention. I don't want an easier game. I want more realism, but within Minecraft's low resolution reality. ๐Ÿ˜† I'm happy to implement the an optional realism reduction for you, but must stay true to my goal.

I'm considering this as another vote for the next feature being configuration files. I'll implement after I complete 1.1.0


Created V1.2.0 milestone. Added this issue and #1


You can stay true to your goal.
I would definitely add options to disable these "difficult increasing" stuff you want to add for your own pleasure. While you enjoy having to replace your farmblocks or repair your machines, others might not, but they love the eroding. You benefit from more users using your mod if anyone can adjust it to their enjoyment, they give you ideas and you get happy for others using it. winwin

Thanks for adding the configuration. Remember to differntiate dirt blocks from hoe used dirt blocks. There is probably a propery tag that dirt blocks use for that.


You can stay true to your goal.

Thanks for allowing it ๐Ÿ˜†

While you enjoy having to replace your farmblocks or repair your machines

No, I don't. Making erosion more realistic as in #13 will solve this problem correctly.

There is probably a propery tag that dirt blocks use for that.

They are separate blocks as of 1.13+ where primary development occurs. I need to determine a maintainable way to support pre-1.13 block types.


Oh well. We are playing on 1.15.2 I don't know who still plays on 1.12.2 except those playing with Conquest Reforged . ^^