Water Erosion

Water Erosion


Feature: Degrade blocks to lesser blocks before disappearing

13rac1 opened this issue ยท 8 comments


Currently erosion is just the block disappearing. Would be better if blocks some times degraded beforehand:

  • Dirt->Sand
  • Sand->Clay
  • Cobblestone->Gravel

Found a feature request for it here https://feedback.minecraft.net/hc/en-us/community/posts/360040198771-Water-erosion-on-cobblestone

Running water over a cobblestone block should break it down into a gravel block after a while

This would be a huge quality of life change for end-game players and would mimic how the resource is formed in real life. I'm imagining the process taking some time, as in at LEAST 10 minutes. To clarify, when I say running water, I mean flowing. A water source block sitting on top of a cobblestone block wouldn't do anything, To retain the ability to have running water over cobblestone, a double slab wouldn't break down.

It should go stone bricks-cracked stine bricks-mossy stine bricks/stone-cobblestone-mossy cobblestone-gravel-sand


An Alpha1 of this feature is available:

Alpha of hierarchical block decay. Slows the actual block to water/air clearing process significantly. Functionality may change.

  • Cobblestone->Mossy Cobblestone->Gravel->Sand->Air/Water.
  • Grass->Dirt->Coarse Dirt->Sand->Clay(rarely)->Air/Water.

Alpha2 needs more testing, but is nearing completion. Added maybeDecayUnder() which looks in the 90 degree direction of flow and decays the current block if the flow direction blow is what the current block would become. This results in streambeds decaying in sequence away from the edge.

Block Decay Hierarchy updated and merged to:

  • Cobblestone -> Mossy Cobblestone -> Gravel -> Sand -> Clay(rarely) -> Air/Water.
  • Grass Path -> Grass -> Dirt -> Coarse Dirt -> Gravel -> Sand -> Clay(rarely) -> Air/Water.

It works well to create new materials in the landscape depending on flow changes. The pockmarked landscape isn't always pretty, but it's arguably realistic.


Erosion/Decay powered sand farm/generator works! It's slow, but cheap and creates a use for all the gravel found mining!


Timing test completed at default randomTick and current decay/erosion odds. Resulted in 75mins to create 32 sand blocks. It seems fair at current settings.


Added Stone Bricks to erosion and decay lists:


  • Cobblestone -> Mossy Cobblestone -> Gravel
  • Stone Bricks -> Mossy Stone Bricks -> Gravel
  • Grass Path -> Grass -> Dirt -> Coarse Dirt -> Gravel
  • Gravel -> Sand -> Clay(rarely) -> Air/Water.

Release three fabric versions. Two forge versions coming soon after additional tests.