This mod was created mainly by me (Moltengameryt) its my first ever mod and I appreciate any feedback, comments and some criticism!. I will give credit where credit is due (DabbingEevee) a fellow friend and modder I know personally helped with some of the coding go support him!

Main Creator


Co Creator




/chargewavy - charges any wavy weapon that can hold a wavic charge


Koinos Ore - New early game ore about the strength of chainmail

Tromeros Ore - New ore better than iron but not diamond

Stellar Ore - New ore strength of netherite

Pure Evil Ore - New ore better than netherite

Nether Ores - Nether pure evil ore, nether iron ore, nether gold ore, nether diamond ore and nether emerald ore

Wavic Ores - has 4 different variants iron, emerald, diamond and wavic; wavic is used to craft end game armor


Cactus Sword - New early game weapon bit better than stone but not iron

Holy Blade - Strikes lightning on hit, better than diamond

Demonic Blade - Strikes lightning on hit, better than holy blade

Awakened Sword - Charges sword by 2% when mob is hit hint: Right click when its at 100% to unleash a cosmic donut >:)

Wavic Sword - Charges sword by 2% when mob is hit hint: Right click when its at 100% to call a enderic shockwave

Non-Ore Armor

Wavy Armor - Better than diamond, full set bonus fire resistance 1

Awakened Armor - Better than wavy armor, full set bonus resistance 1 and strength 1

Ranged Weapons

Slingshot - Worse than bow and uses regular bullets

Wavy Slingshot - Better than bow and sets enemys ablaze and uses wavy bullets

Holy Slingshot - Better than wavy slingshot and strikes lightning and uses holy bullets

Demonic Slingshot - Better than holy slingshot and strikes lightning and uses demonic bullets

Awakened Slingshot - Better than holy slingshot strikes lighting, and other special effect WIP and uses awakened bullets

Wavic Slingshot - Better than awakened slingshot


Wavy Pickaxe - Better than diamond, and special effect haste 1

Holy Pickaxe - Better than wavy pickaxe, and special effect haste 2

Demonic Pickaxe - Better than holy pickaxe, special effect haste 2 and jump boost 1

Awakened Pickaxe - Better than demonic pickaxe, special effect haste 2, jump boost 1 and speed 1

Wavic Pickaxe - Better than awakened pickaxe,  special effect haste 3, jump boost 2 and speed 2 sneak while mining to activate 3x3x3 mining


Wavy Spider - Spawns in nether and is stronger than regular spider

Runic Cow - Common enemy in overworld and breedable with wavy bread

Runic Chicken - Common enemy in overworld and breedable with wavy bread

Runic Zombie - Common during night in the overworld stronger than regular zombies and burns during day

Runic Creeper - Common during night in the overworld stronger than regular creepers blowup animation WIP

Wavic Enemys - Zombie, Chicken, Orb, Spider, Pig all spawn in Wavic biomes


Nether Flower - Spawns on soul sand in the nether

Wavy Flower - Spawns in overworld

Holy Flower - Spawns in overworld

Demonic Flower - Spawns in overworld

Awakened Flower - Spawns in overworld

Wavic Flower - Spawns in Wavic Biomes


Wavy mushroom - Spawns in overworld


Wavy Bread - Better than regular bread and gives fire resistance 1

Nether Apple - Worse than golden apples gives wither 1, absorption 1 and regeneration 1

Wavic Porkchop - better than steak and gives strength 2

Wavic Drumstick - same as steak

Wavic Flesh - Just don't eat it, effect same as spider eyes


Runes - Used to craft holy and demonic tools and weapons

Vials - Used to craft holy and demonic tools and weapons

Sticks - Used in numerous crafting recipes for tools and weapons

Mixtures - Used to craft several foods

Essence - Used to craft weapons and mob heads

Mortal and pestle/Ingot Cast - Used to make foods/Used to make ingots

Mob Drops

Wavy String - Dropped from wavy spiders

Wavy Cores - Dropped from blazes

Blank Rune - Dropped from all 4 runic mobs

Wavic Orb - Orbs of Wavic

Wavic String - Wavic Spider

Wavic Porkcop - Wavic Pig

Wavic Drumstick - Wavic Chicken

Wavic Feather - Wavic Chicken


Awakened Ore - Used to craft awakened weapons and tools


Wavic Dimension - Harder than overworld has OP mobs and ores

Wavic Dimension Generator - Teleports you to Wavic Dimension