Wawla - What Are We Looking At

Wawla - What Are We Looking At

Tinkers: Land Mine hidden

Tinkers: Land Mine hidden

In tinkers construct you can make landmines and make them camouflaged. This mod will prevent waila from telling the difference between the land mine and its camo block.
Mob Items

Mob Items

Are you curious as to what armor or items a mob currently has? This will reveal this information to you,
Player Skulls

Player Skulls

Ever wonder who a player head is representing, but you don't want to break it to find out? Now you can do that, just look at the skull with this handy mod installed.
Tinkers: Drying racks

Tinkers: Drying racks

When looking at a drying rack, it will display its conversion progress as a percentage.


When looking at a block, Wawla will advise you on if your tool can break that block.
Aspect Jars

Aspect Jars

You can see what Aspect is in Thaumcraft's warded jars, by looking at them. The amount and the type is displayed on the tool tip.
Enchantment Books

Enchantment Books

All enchantment books are capable of displaying a description of what they do, even enchantment books from other mods work off of this. If a book lacks a description, please report it to me on the issue tracker.
Pixelmon: Apricorns

Pixelmon: Apricorns

When looking at an apricorn bush you can see its growth rate as a percentage.
Version Checker Integration

Version Checker Integration

This mod has full support for Version Checker. When version checker is installed, you will be alerted of new updates.


When looking at a beacon you can see what tier it is, along with what effects have been selected for it. By default the main effect is always Regen, so under normal circumstances only a secondary effect will be displayed.
Furnace Info

Furnace Info

When looking at a furnace, you can see how much burn time is left. You can also see what is inside if you are sneaking.
Pet Module

Pet Module

When looking at a pet type mob like an Ocelot or a Wolf you can see who its owner is, if it has one.
Thaumcraft: Recharge Pedestal

Thaumcraft: Recharge Pedestal

Thaumcraft recharge pedestals display the name of the wand they contain, along with the amount of vis they each contain.