Elektrolysator and Spalter
The two new "workbenches"
Elektrolysator GUI
The GUI of the new "workbench" Elektrolysator.
Verpacker GUI
The GUI of the new workbench "Verpacker"
Packaging 10x10g to 1x100g
The Recipe for packaging 10x10g to 1x100g
A lil break
nothing much to it
Some Items
Just some random picked items, that you can cook ingame
Most of the ores that my mod adds!
Spalter recipe
The only recipe for the Spalter
Spalter GUI
The GUI of the new "workbench" Spalter.
All of the custom plants and crops my mod adds!
The selfmade money my mod adds, so you can trade!
Elektrolysator recipe
The only recipe for the Elektrolysator
Packaging 10x1g to 1x10g
The Recipe for packaging 10x1g to 1x10g
Black Money
For all the bad people out there theres some black money too!
Custom Achievement tree
I know it doesnt look like theres much, but theres alot achievements (craft Elektrolysator to unlock the tree)
Packaging 10x100g to 1x1kg
The Recipe for packaging 10x100g to 1x1kg