- 1
Dupe Issue.
#14 opened by ProsperCraft - 0
#15 opened by thecrescentkid - 1
Wings making my POV go up and down rapidly, as well as my character
#16 opened by KraftMinecraft - 12
[~Suggestion~] Bounding box change to the wings' flight
#1 opened by Desempregago - 1
Strange render issue with Mo' Bends
#2 opened by Lightone - 0
Headless Render Outside mode with (Mo' Bends Mod)
#3 opened by Lightone - 0
Remove coremod
#4 opened by Gegy - 1
Wearables incompatible with MC 1.12
#5 opened by Nexusdog - 1
[1.12] Crash on dedicated server
#6 opened by asiekierka - 4
Server crash - java.lang.NoSuchMethodError: net.minecraft.entity.passive.EntitySheep
#7 opened by ProsperCraft - 2
Bug: Wings and Jetpack don't give custom model when used (1.12.1)
#8 opened by Akitori - 2
Armor Applied Twice?
#9 opened by Akitori - 0
Wrong crafting recipes
#10 opened by Gegy - 3
Something's wrong with the wings.
#11 opened by pokedevotee11 - 2
(Suggestion) Wings Energy bar
#12 opened by GundunUkan - 2
<Suggestion> Compatibility with MorePlayerModels
#13 opened by GundunUkan