- 6
rainfall value command
#523 opened by oriolprogamer712 - 10
Server Runs fine with Weather2-1.18.2 installed then crashes when I try to join
#524 opened by JmanGaming - 3
port 1.18 1.19 weather2
#525 opened by oriolprogamer712 - 1
weather siren 1.18.2
#526 opened by TheGuardianTim - 5
1.18.2 Config File doesn't work.
#503 opened - 5
Missing texture clouds
#507 opened by tsomers20 - 5
add ez menu 2 fronts systems
#504 opened by oriolprogamer712 - 1
#505 opened by oriolprogamer712 - 1
add microbursts
#506 opened by oriolprogamer712 - 1
I Made A Tex Pack That Will Fix The Pink And Black Clouds Link Is Here!
#508 opened by ExtraJackGuest - 3
Weather2 - Particle render crash [1.18.2]
#509 opened by drwad - 3
Suggestion: Block that gives redstone signal when it storms
#510 opened by SteelTigerV2 - 13
Suggestion: Hey Corosus you should update the weather1 mod to 1.12.2 and here is why
#511 opened by ExtraJackGuest - 13
Help! Configs keep Resetting
#527 opened by MrSquigles - 5
Hey can i some how get 1.18.2 weather2 mod on 1.12.2?
#512 opened by ExtraJackGuest - 2
[1.18.2] Crash while playing weather2 1.18.2 2.7.1
#513 opened by ProfessorFartsalot - 8
Optifine Fix Here!
#514 opened by ExtraJackGuest - 3
Weather2 1.18.2 2.7.2 causes server crash, loading entityRotFX as invalid DIST server.
#515 opened by ProfessorFartsalot - 9
How do you add this to 1.18.2?
#516 opened by Ineptable - 3
weird tornado height 1.18.2
#517 opened by TheGuardianTim - 3
optifine causes the game to crash when loading into a world with the weather mod 1.18.2
#518 opened by TheGuardianTim - 5
Sky in beta 2.7.2 for 1.18.2 not getting dark enough when underneath storms and tornadoes?
#519 opened by RogerBoii64 - 4
[BUG? 1.18.2-2.7.4] Cannot edit config files without them reverting to defaults (serverside)
#520 opened by ProfessorFartsalot - 1
1.18.2-2.7.4 Sky does not become as dark as it did in 2.7.1
#521 opened by ProfessorFartsalot - 12
[SUGGESTION] A lot of improvement ideas for 1.18.2
#528 opened by odvigajlo - 3
1.18.2, tornado picking up blocks it shouldnt be able to
#529 opened by TheGuardianTim - 3
Hurricane revamp thoughts
#530 opened by Pikamochzo - 3
[1.18.2, Suggestion] Serene Seasons Compability
#531 opened by HonzaVinCZ - 6
Storms not spawning
#532 opened by MrSquigles - 5
[SUGGESTION] EVEN MORE improvement ideas for 1.18.2
#533 opened by odvigajlo - 2
what license?
#534 opened by Rubydesic - 7
Fish/boats dont get sucked in by tornados?
#535 opened by JmanGaming - 8
Is the Weather Radar gonna have the weather map thing it had in the 1.12.2 version?
#536 opened by EthanWinters2885 - 1
[1.18.2, Suggestion] Biome Particle Weather mod
#537 opened by TheGuardianTim - 5
[1.18.2] Crash When Adding Mod To Modpack
#538 opened by Atlantispy - 9
1.18.2 crash
#539 opened by Pinecone6442 - 6
[SUGGESTION] Villager interaction
#540 opened by Stevenator155 - 2
Mod weather functions completely halted, found an odd solution (1.12.2)
#543 opened by FireyIllusions - 1
Issue with seasons mod compatability
#541 opened by Drakkkoo3344 - 2
Suggestions) Tornados of certain strength should debark trees and when anemometers are readded they should give a windspeed
#542 opened by Cyan120706 - 2
make a fabric minecraft version 1.19.3 plz
#549 opened by Mungydungy - 3
1.18.2 loading screen crash
#544 opened by InsertOriginalName - 2
Regular minecraft weather commands not working
#545 opened by Ra1nyi - 1
1.16.5 port?
#546 opened by Sagedrake690 - 0
2 Bugs i found while playing
#547 opened by SteelTigerV2 - 8
Textures missing 1.18.2
#548 opened by PaxWilhuff - 4
Tornado spawnrate
#550 opened by Marszaalek - 0
PotatoPC Mode not reducing rendering
#553 opened by firemaster1294 - 0
Startup crash with Enigmatica 8
#551 opened by cannon9009 - 2
[1.18] Hey Coro! Feature Suggestion - SereneSeasons bridge
#552 opened by Cixon