What Should Be in MC (WSBIM)

What Should Be in MC (WSBIM)

WSBIM Core Options Menu (WSBIM 1.3 Onwards)

WSBIM Core Options Menu (WSBIM 1.3 Onwards)

Press "U" while on the main menu or Options Menu to open this screen.
A glimpse at added Item Tooltips...

A glimpse at added Item Tooltips...

Advanced Resource Pack Support!

Advanced Resource Pack Support!

Crafting Button (3x3) Grid

Crafting Button (3x3) Grid

Options Menu (Pre WSBIM 1.2)

Options Menu (Pre WSBIM 1.2)

WSBIM Options Menu
Transparent UI Theme

Transparent UI Theme

Same as vanilla, but transparent. Oh did I mention you can change the COLORS too? :()
Crafting Button (2x2) Grid

Crafting Button (2x2) Grid

"List" UI Theme

"List" UI Theme

Shows the buttons as a list (main and pause menus)
Pause Menu (with transparent button theme)

Pause Menu (with transparent button theme)

Options Menu (For WSBIM 1.3+)

Options Menu (For WSBIM 1.3+)

This is how an options sub-menu looks.
When pressing shift on a NBT Item

When pressing shift on a NBT Item

Dark GUI Theme

Dark GUI Theme

(Must be enabled first)


Blocks and Items

Blocks and Items

Custom Named, colored backpack

Custom Named, colored backpack

Crafting Button

Crafting Button