

New Tools

New Tools

Rare Metal tools that Upgrade the more you use them. Shift-Right click to see progress.


After you master 2 Elements, choose a Specialty mage class. Like Necromancy
Loads of new items.

Loads of new items.

Plenty of new Workbenches, a new Tool set, Scrolls, and more.
Lots of stuff

Lots of stuff

Find or Craft a bunch of new things.
Mage Village

Mage Village

Enter the Mage Village and take Quests from NPCs
XP, Levels, Spells and Skills

XP, Levels, Spells and Skills

Kill hostile mobs to earn XP, gain levels and upgrade your spells and stats. Lots of grinding.
Hidden Loot

Hidden Loot

Explore the world to find crypts above and below the ground.