A simple mod for servers that logs items removed from chests.
Background to this mod
So there I was, trying to settle an arguement between my kids and their friends as to who took the Diamonds from someone's chest on our family Minecraft server. Fine! Then it happened again, and again, and again. Enough!
This mod simply writes to custom log file every time someone opens a chest and every item that is removed from a chest.
In /logs/ there is a new file created called chestevents.log which is not overwritten at server start.
[2024.03.31 23:17:15] MrX opened chest at 1108, 86, 86
[2024.03.31 23:18:28] MrX removed oak_planks(8)
This is a server side mod that does not need to be on the client.
It is compiled under MC 1.19.2 and Forge 43.2.0.