Winter Massacre

Winter Massacre



This mod adds new snowballs, such as the icy snowball, which shatters into many ice shards and dynamite snowball, which explodes


1. Snow dust - creates a cloud of snow particles

2. Icy snowball - shatters into many ice shards

3. Dynamite snowball - explodes some time after being thrown

4. Snowball with stone - stronger than regular snowball

5. Snowball with ender pearl - teleports mobs around him when hit

6. Magnetic snowball - magnetized items to itself

7. Snowball with eye of ender - flies in the direction you are looking at

8. Phantom snowball - flies to the mob that you hit

9. Honey snowball - slows down mobs it hits.

10. Snowball with nether wart - gives a random effect to mobs it hits

11. Snowball with rotten flesh - mobs move away from it

12. Snowball with quartz - teleports experience around him to you