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Bring the world of The Witcher to Minecraft with this Witcher mod!

Short overview per version

Version 1.0

-mine silver ore and craft a silver witcher sword
-kill nekkers and get alchemy ingredients

Version 2.0

-nekkers spawn in forests
-ghouls are added and spawn in plains
-drowners are added and spawn in swamps
-all monsters drop loot that can be used for alchemy
-collect herbs for potion ingredients
-make bombs, potions and blade oils with alchemy

Version 3.0

-arachasae added
-fleders added
-foglets added
-rotfiends added
-more herbs added
-Dancing Star bomb added
-Devil’s Puffball bomb added
-Demeritium bomb added
-Samum bomb added
-Stenchbulb bomb added
-Petri’s Philter potion added
-White Honey potion added
-Full Moon potion added
-Thunderbolt potion added
-White Raffard’s Decoction added
-Tawny Owl potion added
-Gadwall potion added
-Rook potion added
-Killer Whale potion added
-signs added

Version 3.1

-make witcher medallion with silver
-witcher medallion vibrates when monsters are nearby
-use witcher senses by activating the medallion to see monsters through blocks

Version 3.2

-Mari_023 fixed a bug that made the game crash

Full description


Monsters can be killed and looted. Their loot can be used to craft alchemy ingredients. This can be done by combining the loot with empty bottles.

Nekkers – spawn in forests
Ghouls – spawn in plains
Drowners – spawn in swamps
Arachasae – spawn in deserts. Attack by spitting poison.
Fleders – spawn in dark area’s disguised as bats. Transform when you get close.
Foglets – spawn in swamps. Invisible. If only there was a certain type of bomb that removes status effects ;)
Rotfiends – spawn in plains. Drop exploding TNT when killed.


Potions can be made in a crafting table, using a certain combination of the six alchemy ingredients: vitriol, rebis, aether, quebrith and hydragenum. See “Misc – Alchemy” for more information.

Swallow – gives regeneration effect
Cat – gives night vision effect
Blizzard – gives haste and speed effects
Full Moon – gives health boost effect
Thunderbolt – gives strength effect
White Raffard’s Decoction – gives instant health
Tawny Owl – gives big health boost effect, but also small weakness effect
Gadwall – gives big regeneration effect, but also small weakness effect
Rook – gives strength effect
Killer Whale – gives water breathing effect
White Honey – clears all status effects
Petri’s Philter – gives signs (see “signs” for more info)


Oils can be made in a crafting table, using a certain combination of the six alchemy ingredients: vitriol, rebis, aether, quebrith and hydragenum. See “Misc – Alchemy” for more information. To apply an oil, hold the oil in your left hand, and click with the right mouse button to apply the oil to an object in your right hand.

Falka’s Blood – gives Sharpness III
Undead Oil – gives Smite III
Arthropod Oil – gives Smite III


Bombs can be made in a crafting table, using a certain combination of gunpowder and the six alchemy ingredients: vitriol, rebis, aether, quebrith and hydragenum. See “Misc – Alchemy” for more information about the alchemy ingredients.

Grapeshot – explodes on impact
Devil’s Puffball – explodes on impact and gives poison effect to mobs or players inside the explosion
Samum – explodes on impact and gives slowness effect to mobs or players inside the explosion
Dancing Star – explodes with fire on impact
Dimeritium Bomb - explodes on impact and clears all status effects from mobs or players inside the explosion
Stenchbulb - explodes on impact and gives weakness effect to mobs or players inside the explosion


In the Witcher games, there is a potion called “Petri’s Philter”, that improves sign intensity. In this mod, Petri’s Philter is the potion that gives you your signs. You simply drink the potion, and get your signs as items in your inventory.

Aard – pushes enemies back
Igni – sets enemies or blocks on fire
Yrden – slows enemies down
Quen – gives absorbtion effect
Axii – “stuns” the enemy by giving it short but powerful slowness, mining fatigue and weakness effects


Silver - Silver ore can be mined and can be turned into silver ingots using a furnace. The ingots can then be used to craft a sword, a witcher medallion or a block of silver.

Herbs - There are a few herbs that can be collected and used to make alchemy ingredients.

Alchemy – There are six different ingredients that can be used to make potions, bombs and oils: vitriol, rebis, aether, quebrith and hydragenum. These ingredients can be obtained by combining a piece of monster loot or a herb with a glass bottle. A bottle with an alchemy ingredient in it can be emptied using a crafting table. The ingredient will be destroyed.

Witcher medallion - You can make a witcher medallion with silver. The medallion will vibrate when monsters are nearby. When this happens, you can right click to use your witcher senses to temporarily see those monsters through walls.