Wither Enhancement

Wither Enhancement


First Of All, This Mod Is In Fact An Addon For Thermal Expansion, And Will Not Work Without It!

*Please Report Any Bugs/Crashes You Find And Use The Latest Version To Prevent More Bugs!*
 Download Goal: 5, 10, 25, 50, 100, 200, 500, 1000, 5000
** AS OF VERSION: 'V_0.0.4 Beta' Servers Should Work Now!! *

Thermal Expansion
Thermal Foundation
CoFH Core

This mod adds some unique tools that aid the Wither against the players.. 

Yeah, that's right! Ever wondered why the Wither has 3 heads but it doesn't really count as 3 lives?

There's a percentage chance now that the Wither will spawn some minions to assist in aiding itself against players

That seems nice, but not only is it beneficial for the Wither, it's beneficial for you as well! 

Mod Items:

Nether Shard - A crafting component dropped by the 'Detached Wither'
Nether Star (Empty) - A 'hollow' nether star that requires RF in order to change into a nether star, also used for crafting
Nether Module Core - A crafting component used to create the wands
Advanced Nether Module Core - A more expensive\upgraded version of the 'Nether Module Core'
Nether Time Wand - This allows the players to speed up blocks via 'right-clicking' using Durability
Advanced Nether Time Wand - Similar to the 'Nether Time Wand' this allows the player to use RF instead and is more efficient
Nether Capacitor - Very similar to the Capacitors provided by 'Thermal Expansion', however this is the next tier up! Allowing the possibility to charge just about every single item in the players inventory and armor slots that uses RF!
Porta-Bench - An item that can be used as a portable crafting table!

Crop Grower Tier I - A block that speeds up ticks of a plant.. very slow, but very power efficient

Crop Grower Tier II - A block thats speeds up ticks of a plant.. very fast, but very power wasteful..



/WitherEnhancement - States The Current Version Of The Mod.

/calc - Allows Basic Mathematics Calculations( *,  +,  -,  / ), as well as Energy Type Conversions( RF, EU, MJ, J ) 

/setRF - Allows You To Set The RF of the held item ( Number or , None|Half|Max )

/getRF - Returns The Amount Of Rf Within The Held Item!

/getCoords - Returns The Players Coordinates!


/calc 5.5*5

This outputs 27.5 in chat

/calc 5RF

This lists all conversion for 5RF

/setRF Max

This sets max rf of the item


This sets the item to 5rf


This returns current/max amount


Returns Your Coordinates

/getCoords [player]

Returns Specified Players Coordinates


As far as permissions are concerned, /calc is basically a calculator so everyone has access to the command.

The /WitherEnhancement command is practically useless, it basically tells you what version the mod is, so anyone can use it.

The /getRF command only lists the RF amount within an item, it doesn't change it, therefore everyone can use it.

However /setRF changes the RF amount of the item therefore players by default must be in creative mode to use this command.

The /getCoords command can also be used negatively to locate players on 'pvp' server, therefore players by default must be in creative mode to use this command ONLY IF they target players with the command. Using only /loc or /getCoords without a name is allowed without permission.


Nether Shard

Nether Star (Empty)

 Nether Capacitor

 Nether Module Core


Advanced Nether Module Core

 Nether Time Wand

 Advanced Nether Time Wand

Known Bugs:

 /getRF breaks Dark Pickaxe From EnderIO, it resets the items added modifiers..

Mod Reviews:

No Videos, If You Wish To Do A Mod Review/Spotlight PLEASE DO!! IT MIGHT GO HERE!!


1. Make sure you have already installed Minecraft Forge.
2. Download The Mod!
3. Locate the minecraft application folder.
4. Place the mod you have just downloaded (.jar or .zip file) into the Mods folder.


As this mod is 'MIT Licensed', you are free to distribute this mod, therefore 'yes' you can add this to your mod-pack, all I ask is that this page is added to your mod-pack permissions in case someone needs to report a bug, or credit is provided so they can know at least who made it.