Wither Storm Mod

Wither Storm Mod


Hello, and welcome to this Wither Storm Mod! You can get the spawn egg for the wither storm in the creative tab. The moment you spawn it, it will blow up. It will evolve after several minutes, and continue growing to become stronger and stronger, until it becomes the ultimate wither storm! And it's big!

First Stage: It's just a bit stronger than the wither, and it is quite easily killable.

Second Stage: It begins growing, but still killable.

Third Stage: It's starting to get out of hand, still manageable though, with the best tools.

Fourth Stage: It gets it's first tractor beam, and it's very powerful. This is probably one of the last chances to kill it.

Fifth Stage: It's too powerful for regular minecraft, and it's pretty much unkillable unless you have sharpness 100 or strength 255!

Sixth Stage: It's even bigger, with regular minecraft, definetely impossible to beat, unless you have some crazy sharpness or strength. Can even one shot most players.

Seventh Stage: You can only access this stage by killing the Sixth stage, once killed, after a bit of time a main wither storm with one head will spawn back.

Eighth Stage: It will grow back to giant size after a bit of time at stage seven.

Severed Stage: Along with Seventh Stage, two severed wither storms will appear, both being fairly small.

Severed Maxed Stage: The severed wither storms will grow two new heads and become giant.

As the Witherstorm grows, its range of view will also grow. The only way to kill it from fifth-8th stage is probably other weapons in other mods, or the Formidi Bomb. The formidi bomb can be crafted with one TNT, 4 sand and 4 gunpowder on a crafting table (Any shape/arrangement). The Formidi Bomb kills any mob in a 40-block radius. When you manage to kill a witherstorm at stage 1~4, it will drop a nether star. But if you kill it in destroyer form or later, you will get a withered nether star. Killing a severed wither storm before it's fully grown will drop a nether star. Killing a fully grown severed wither storm will give you a dark nether star. You can use the dark nether star as a trophie, but the withered nether star can be joined with a beacon on the crafting table, to become a wither beacon. The wither beacon can be placed down. To activate it, you need to place one netherite block under it, or the weather must be thunder. Then it will give you incredible boosts and effects.

Survival mode: To spawn it in survival mode, you must build the command block with a diamond block, netherite block, obsidian, redstone block, and an iron block (crafting is shapeless again). Then, you must take the command block. Then in the new recipe, you must put 3 soul sand in a T shape, leaving the middle where you put the command block. Then, you put 3 soul sand on top, then you can craft the Wither Storm Spawner. With this, you can spawn the wither storm. (To put it simply, put the arrangement of a wither into the crafting grid, and replace the middle soul sand with a command block).

The wither storm will attack any mob.

Showcase of V3 coming soon!

Thanks for playing!

 Liked this project? Try out the Panite Ore mod! Adds a new OP ore, that will make a great battle against the witherstorm! Which one will win? The most overpowered ore? Or the biggest, baddest boss in all of minecraft storymode? Panite Ore Mod: https://www.curseforge.com/minecraft/mc-mods/painite-ore-mod

Make sure to check out my other projects if you liked this one, like Minecraft, but speedrunning is easy! https://www.curseforge.com/minecraft/mc-mods/minecraft-but-speedrunning-is-easy

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