World Of Chemistry

World Of Chemistry


This mod adds the features from the Chemistry Update for Minecraft: Education Edition. These are the features currently implemented:

  • Curative Items (Antidote, Elixir, Eye Drops, Tonic)
  • All Elements (Atomic Numbers 1-118 and Unknown Element "???")
  • Uncategorized Items (Bleach)
  • All Compounds (Ammonia, Barium Sulfate, Benzene, etc.)

The curative items cure these potion effects respectively: poison, weakness, blindness, and nausea.

The elements that are in this mod are from hydrogen to oganesson (1-118) and the unknown element which is called "???".

Bleach can be used to make any dyed banner, bed, carpet, or wool white. (A plain, white banner should not be able to be used with bleach, which needs improvement)

The compounds do not currently do anything, due to there not being blocks or item recipes that utilize them because those blocks or items are not implemented yet and the fact that the Lab Table is not implemented yet.

If anyone can code in a feature that is on the file in the GitHub project page, I will add the feature into my mod.

You can also see more information about what is implemented on the wiki in the GitHub project page. Issues, improvements, or game-breaking bugs should be posted on the issue tracker in the GitHub project page.