- 0
1.12.2 - support
#2234 opened by F3F5 - 1
Pasting block entities is broken on SpongeVanilla 1.16.5
#2238 opened by avaruus1 - 1
Twist Command
#2241 opened by DragonGod65 - 3
I write the //set commands (an error occurs if you do not mark the territory, just write the commands) and as a result, an error in the console.
#2242 opened by TheFaik - 1
worldedit wont allow worlds to load
#2243 opened by King909YT - 0
Heal bug
#2244 opened by Neeekss - 1
Unable to Rotate
#2247 opened by CKFA - 2
#2252 opened by Alex81585 - 2
`Int2BaseBlockMap` can contain 2 entries with a same key
#2250 opened by emilyy-dev - 5
SERVER LAGGING: //line anyblock 1000
#2255 opened by fadfhkdfga - 1
SERVER LAGGING: //setbiome
#2256 opened by fadfhkdfga - 1
Unhandled exception executing tab-completer for 'mask "water >tall_seagrass[half=lower' in com.sk89q.bukkit.util.DynamicPluginCommand(mask)
#2258 opened by Brokkonaut - 1
Allays count as hostile mobs using /butcher
#2259 opened by Lucyndi - 1
Maps not working
#2260 opened by Shortzero9 - 4
Selection additions/Multiple active selections
#2262 opened by TheRealEaglebird - 3
Block replication
#2261 opened by neila-a - 1
Shematic API failed
#2263 opened by DevSnx - 1
Schematic Browser GUI
#2264 opened by BlazingTwist - 9
//drawsel not working (java.lang.NoSuchFieldError: networkManager)
#2265 opened by joergsesterhenn - 2
Game crashing when selecting the second position with wand or command
#2274 opened by skTanky - 1
WorldEdit for 23w07a
#2266 opened by Atten007 - 4
invisible (modded) blocks after pasting or filling a selection
#2268 opened by ink717 - 2
The server has stopped responding after //Regen
#2270 opened by Revan7even - 1
for some reason my world edit mod says it is on the wrong version but i am on 1.19.3 and dowloaded the 1.19.3 file from curse forge if anyone can help please
#2271 opened by KingGibles - 4
When omitting a material while aiming crosshair at same as with //hpos1 | //hpos2, use that.
#2272 opened by mk-pmb - 2
Server got crashed by WorldEdit (Minecraft-1.19.2)
#2273 opened by KiyooChan - 4
Allow filling the edges of a selection
#2279 opened by haykam821 - 2
WorldEdit does not work on Paper 1.19.4
#2283 opened by josephjthomas - 1
Not a bug report, a question, but discord is spazzing out again so I couldn't go there.
#2284 opened by susan3333333 - 1
Use-inventory not working in 1.19.3 Fabric
#2285 opened by LaoNebula - 0
Unable to use the command
#2286 opened by apt9002 - 0
Add the possibility of targetting only a certain angle
#2287 opened by LolloLibe - 6
WE commands not working (java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: net/minecraft/world/level/WorldGenLevel)
#2298 opened by aloyen07 - 0
Add a feature to remove NBT tags from block entities
#2290 opened by Podgorica - 5
Creating a new session fails
#2291 opened by CloudeLecaw - 1
Perf Command Data Should Be Persistent On Server Restart
#2293 opened by RitzKid76 - 1
WorldEdit CUI command not working
#2295 opened by NonSwag - 1
//sel command not clearing server side cui
#2296 opened by NonSwag - 2
Undoing `-s` flagged command does not move the selection back.
#2299 opened by downloadpizza - 0
Set selector based on region type in Clipboard
#2300 opened by octylFractal - 0
Level proxy should handle entities, allowing them to be included in history
#2301 opened by me4502 - 3
Unexpected error when running commands on Spong API 8
#2302 opened by itsAyeC - 1
Server crashes when pasting a schematic
#2303 opened by Kiwicast - 2
Feature Request: Machine-readable list of which WE version is meant for which other software versions (Minecraft, Fabric etc.)
#2306 opened by mk-pmb - 4
A tool for changing block material while maintaining block state
#2307 opened by MalcolmMacDonald - 3
Add //revolve <amount> [start] [end] [heightDiff] Permissions: worldedit.revolve
#2309 opened by Jettthomas2020 - 0
Butcher command to work on selected region
#2310 opened by brothanb - 2
Make commands consistent
#2311 opened by Blayung - 2
//g parser results in error "java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: return types do not match: (ExecutionData)double, (ExecutionData)Double"
#2315 opened by KingCreator11 - 1
#2314 opened by Michotek