World's Garden is a Minecraft Mod developed to add more exploration and biomes.
This mod is VERY early in development, so we don't have NEARLY all the biomes and features we want to add to it.
Requires Keys & LEDs Core which can be found here:
(Keys & LEDs Core)
Trees Include:
- Fluffla Trees (orange, magenta, yellow, pink, red)
- Frost Tree
- Spawns Icicles underneath that can do a little more then just poke your eye out...
Biomes can be Enabled or Disabled using the config.
- Currently only the Fluffla Forest & Frosty Forest are turned on by default.
- All Biomes are accessIble and have SOME features.
Biomes Include:
- Fluffla Forest
- Fluffla Trees
- Fluffla Hills **
- Fluffla Trees
- Frosty Forest
- Frost Trees
- Frosty Hills **
- Frost Trees
- Giant Pumpkin Patch
- Giant Pumpkins
- Smaller Pumpkin Patches *
- Nuclear Wasteland
- Radioactive Skeletons *
- Radioactive Chickens *
- More Uranium spawns *
- Nukeshrooms *
- Acid Rain
* Future Features
** A sub Biome that won't currently spawn with the other biome
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