Wrenchable: Forge

Wrenchable: Forge



Wrenchable is a lightweight library designed to let mods easily make their wrenches compatible with other mods. Do not download this mod unless you are a mod author.


Q: Is there any standard for when certain actions should be performed?

A: Yes. Rotation is done clockwise when right-clicking and counter-clockwise when shift right-clicking. The alt modifier from Fermion Modkeys is used for rotating towards the side of the block you right-clicked. The control modifier from Fermion Modkeys (and it's combination with other modifiers) is used for any additional function you would like to have (i.e. Sign Editing, Emptying End Portal Frames). It is not required to follow these standards, but I heavily recommend you do. As of Wrenchable 0.0.4 you can also use default behavior for the Properties FACING, HORIZONTAL_FACING, and ROTATION by using their respective methods in WrenchableUtilities.

Q: My mod has blocks that only use Properties.FACING or Properties.HORIZONTAL_FACING, or I only need to modify these properties. Do I need to add Wrenchable into my mod for Wrenchable to support changing them?

A: No, but you do need to implement the rotate method in your block class for things to work properly. (Hint: You can look at how PistonBlock and HorizontalFacingBlock use this method.)

Q: My mod has blocks that only use Properties.ROTATION, or I only need to modify this property. Do I need to add Wrenchable into my mod for Wrenchable to support changing them?

A: No, you do not.

Q: My mod has blocks that rely on other unsupported vanilla Properties. Do I need to add Wrenchable into my mod for Wrenchable to support changing them?

A: Yes, but if you contact me I may add support of my own for the property you are trying to change.

Q: My mod has blocks that rely on custom Properties or custom non-property related logic. Do I need to add Wrenchable into my mod for Wrenchable to support changing them?

A: Yes. Without providing custom support, nothing will be done to your block.