


Are you a modpack maker looking to give players the power to purchase items from a global shop? Well, do I have the mod for you!

Introducing XchangR, the revolutionary "Admin Shop" mod!

XchangR is a mod primarily for modpack makers. It allows them to set a global "admin shop" of sorts, where players can sell items for currency, and then use that currency to purchase other items. What makes this "admin shop" so special is that the trades/currency will never run out, meaning players can buy/sell as many items as they want! Additionally, XchangR allows players to integrate the buy/sell blocks into their automation setups, meaning they'll have the ability to passively generate/use profits through mass production should you allow them. Read on for a list of other nifty things about this super-duper shop.

- It's easy to use!

Forget about struggling with messy config files and proprietary formats! XchangR's built-in pair of commands allows modpack makers to add buy and sell entries in-game, on the fly! Pack makers can also integrate these commands into their gamestages/questbooks, meaning certain trades can actually be gated behind progression. For information on how to add a buy/sell entry, please consult the spoilers below.

How to Add/Edit a Sell Entry:

How to add a Sell Entry:

Use the command /addsellentry <item id> <item amount> <currency id> <currency amount>

<item id> and <currency id> are the exact namespaced id of the item to be sold and the currency to be paid out. These can be any items, even modded ones!

<item amount> and <currency amount> are the amount of items needed to initiate a sale, and the amount of currency to be paid out respectively.

For example: /addsellentry minecraft:diamond 1 xchangr:pyrite_coin 5 will create a sell entry where 1 diamond can be sold for 5 pyrite coins.

To edit an existing Sell Entry: Run the above command again with the same <item id> and the new <currency id> and amounts. The Sell entry will automatically update!

How to Add/Edit a Buy Entry:

How to add a Buy Entry:

Use the command /addbuyentry <entry name> <item id> <item amount> <currency id> <currency amount>

<entry name> is the unique name of the entry. This is used by the mod to keep track of all available trades, as some trades may involve the same item being sold for different types of currency. Only use letters, numbers, and underscores in this! Otherwise things may not work, as the mod uses your computer's file system to store the trades.

<item id> and <currency id> are the exact namespaced id of the item to be bought and the currency the player must pay. These can be any items, even modded ones!

<item amount> and <currency amount> are the amount of items given upon a successful sale, and the amount of currency needed to buy the item.

For example: /addbuyentry goldbuy minecraft:gold_ingot 10 xchangr:aluminum_coin 30 will create a buy entry where 10 gold ingots can be bought for 30 aluminum coins.

Another example: /addbuyentry goldbuyalt minecraft:gold_ingot 10 minecraft:diamond 1 will create a separate buy entry where 10 gold ingots can be bought for 1 diamond.

To edit an existing Buy Entry: 
Run the above command again with the exact same <entry name> as the Buy Entry you want to edit, as well as your modified parameters. The Buy entry should automatically update!

How to delete a Sell Entry:

How to remove a Sell Entry: Sell entries are located in the game's config files, under the folder XchangR/SellList. You can delete a sell entry simply by deleting the corresponding file. You can also directly edit the sell entry using the text editor of your choice.

How to delete a Buy Entry:

How to remove a Buy Entry (Requires closing the game): Buy entries are located in the game's config files, under the folder XchangR/BuyList. You can delete a Buy entry simply by deleting the file. You can also directly edit the buy entry using the text editor of your choice. Once you're done editing, re-launch the game and your changes should be there. Note! Before deleting a Buy Entry, make sure any Buy Blocks in the world are not configured to perform the deleted entry! If you are a modpack maker who has pushed out an update deleting buy entries, make sure you tell your players this to avoid any confusion/crashes!

 - It's Automation-Friendly!

A lot of similar mods I've seen don't allow items to be bought automatically, instead requiring direct player confirmation. With XchangR, players can use Redstone to automate the buying and selling of items with the Buy and Sell blocks! Items can be inserted using hoppers, pipes, funnels, or whatever other method available. Then, a redstone signal applied to a Buy or Sell block will automatically initiate an exchange! In the case of the Sell Block, two sales will be triggered (this is a bug I've decided to call a feature) if the item inside is able to be sold. With the Buy Block, two sales will be triggered if there is enough currency inside to make at least one trade (if there's only enough for one, then only one sale is made). The active sale in the Buy Block can be selected with the GUI, and the choice will persist even after the GUI is closed.

- It's got lots of room to grow!

I'll keep this one brief. You can add as many buy and sell entries as you want!!!! There is no restriction to how many you can have!!! The only caveat is: Sell entries are item-exclusive, meaning a particular item can only have one sell entry associated with it. However, you can have as many unique item sell entries as you want! Additionally, thanks to the unique names assigned to the Buy entries, you can have as many of those as you want as well!

More will be coming to this description soon, currently re-developing some features. The mod is still feature-complete as it stands, so please download and let me know what you think! Questions? Put 'em in the comments! Suggestions? I might not accept them, but it's fun to hear them nonetheless! Wanna use this in your modpack? Great! I just ask that you link back to this page.