Add 4 Biomes :
-Mysterious Forest :
A particular biome which is a kind of mix between swamp and jungle, the atmosphere that emerges is rather humid and tropical ...
In this biome can spawn Light Purple Mushrooms and mysterious roots.
-Very High Mountains :
Biome of steep mountains where it's difficult to move around..
In this biome can appear Larch and the structure : "Iced Camp"
-Legendary Plains :
Legendary Plains It's a plains biome with a few trees, and a warm atmosphere ...
In this biome can appear the structure: "plains_ruins" and "tower_ruins".
Golden poppy spawns in this biome.
-Burnt Forest :
In this biome can spawn Burnt House structure !
Other Things :
-Aventurine (ore) :
Generates between y = 32 and y = 8 in biomes added by the mod.
With aventurine you can craft the "Aventurine Totem".
A new stone variant, like diorite or granite, green (can only spawns in biomes added by the mod).
-Golden Poppy
Just a golden poppy... you can craft golden nugget and antidote with it.
A tool cut leaves to make a usable way !
-Better Mushroom Stew :
Stackable by 8, has a little more saturation than the classic mushroom stew and gives the nausea effect and when you're to 5hp (2,5 hearts) or less, heals 1hp (0,5 heart).
-Burnt Zombie :
New variant of zombie, set fire when he's hit.(can only spawn with spawn egg yet)
-4 Achievement
One for each biome (of Xell's Biomes) explored.
(Translated in French)
Give me your feedback about the mod !
(If you find a bug report it)