Needs XP Obelisk to run.
This adds:
Xp Item Inserter:
Can insert XP items and display current Xp level of connected Xp Storage:
you can disable the insertion by providing a redstone signal!
Poll for Xp Bar width in container view, cant decide :D
let me know what you prefer!
- xp berries
- xp bucket -> Bucket
- bottle of enchanting -> Bottle
- sculc
Food :
- ( Mystical Candy) which gives you Experience and a chance of:
75% for Haste V (1:25)
25% Hiccup I (0:10)
- Hiccup which lets you jump in random directions and drop some random items from your inventory (Hot-bar/Armor/offhand untouched).
- Rebarki'n Staff (add Bark back to Stripped Wood/Log) Works now with Modded Block's too!
- Door
- Trapdoor
- Pressure Plate
- Bars
- Cut Version
- Cut Slab
- Cut Stairs
- Street (120% Movement Speed)
2 Fuel:
- Raw Essence Block (Smelt's 160 Item's) 2.5Stacks
- Raw Essence (Smelt's 32 Item's)
- Raw Essence Shard (Smelt's 8 Item's)
Crafting Item:
- Essence Crystal
more to come...
- Jump Block, jump 2 Blocks high instead of 1 on this Block
- New Food
If you have a Idea what to add.
Let me know down below :)
Q: Can I add XP Obelisk Additions to a modpack?
A: Sure! However i request the modpack be hosted on Curseforge, as other similar sites, such as Technic, do not give proper credit to the creator.