



Yakalarsam is based of of a music video by Tarkan called Simarik. It adds new ores, ingots, armor, tools and much more!

This is my first ever mod



  • 1.15.2: install Minecraft Forge.
  • Put the mod in the mods folder when forge installs.
  • Use this mod with JEI to view all recipes!


New tool types, armor and materials!


  • Melted Nether Wart: A material that you can make by placing a Nether Wart near a Campfire to "melt it".
  • Lava Ingot: Craft it by combining Magma Blocks, Lava, Melted Nether Warts and a Gold Ingot!
  • Simarik Scrap: Crafted by smelting the Simarik Ore. Simarik Ore is generated deep underground and has a very low chance to generate but when you find a cluster you can get up to 24 ores per cluster!
  • Ominous Material: By merging Fermented Spider Eyes, Melted Nether Warts and a Magma Cream, you can craft Ominous Material, which can be used to craft weird but intriguing blocks!
  • Tarkan Ingot: The final and the strongest metal of all. The Tarkan Ingot is crafted by smelting Tarkan Scrap which is made by Tarkan Essence that you can get by growing Tarkan Seeds/Plants!

Tools & Armor

  • Lava tools and armor: Very efficient but have a weaker durability. Lava armor gives the player fire resistance when wearing the full set. Tools have a higher damage output than diamond tools but Lava tools are weaker durability wise compared to them. All Lava tools also inflict fire damage for 3 seconds to all entities.
  • Tarkan tools and armor: Immensely strong, powerful, and efficient! Tarkan armor now allows the user to fly when wearing full set! Also gives the player Resistance, Speed and Strength.

New blocks and food!


  • Ominous blocks: Are weaker compared to stone blocks but have interesting designs. You can also make doors, buttons, pressure plates and more with the Ominous Material.
  • Block of Tarkan: Extremely powerful, requires a harvest level 4 pickaxe in order to break and drop itself. I recommend not placing this block before you get the Tarkan Pickaxe which has a harvest level of 4.
  • JoJo block? Yeah I don't know, my friend told me to add it so I did.
  • Emeond block: Is used to craft the Tarkan Block, and looks nice too!
  • Block of Simarik: Added in the 1.1 version of this mod. Crafted by placing 9 Simarik Scraps into a crafting bench just like any other metal block. Can be turned back into 9 Simarik Scraps.


  • Ominous food: High risk high reward. Has a chance to give you regeneration but also is guaranteed to give you nausea, blindness and weakness. Refills a lot of hunger and saturation though.
  • Toasty: A toast made by smelting bread in the furnace :D.