Moss Walker Update [ Version 1.0.0 ]
- find the moss walker spawning in lush caves
- bred with a brand new item called moss with wheat
- You can now craft new mossy bricks crafted with moss blocks
- Mossy stairs, slabs, walls, and horse armor can also be crafted
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Join my Discord server to suggest features, report bugs, and much more: https://discord.gg/Ephgb4cGsN
Q. Can I use this mod in a modpack or video?
A. Yes! Feel free to feature Creatures From The Lush Caves in your modpack or video.
Q. Can I repost your mod?
A. NO! You cannot repost this mod on any other sites.
Q. Will there be a port to Fabric?
A. fabric version is in the works, no confirmed release date yet!
Mod Showcase from YorkMouse