YUNG's Better End Island (Forge)

YUNG's Better End Island (Forge)


Valkyrien Skies Mod Breaks Spawning Sequence

Freeshava opened this issue ยท 9 comments


When playing alongside the Valkyrien Skies mod, the end crystals stay invulnerable and the laser beams from the spawning animation don't disappear. This makes the fight unwinnable in survival mode.


This happened for me on 1.20.1 (1.20-Forge-2.0.5), also with Valkyrien Skies, but I haven't tried with a minimal set of mods

/execute as @e[type=minecraft:end_crystal] run data get entity @s Invulnerable
End Crystal has the following entity data: 1b (x9)

I was able to fix with:

/execute as @e[type=minecraft:end_crystal] run data modify entity @s Invulnerable set value false

With Valkyrien Skies v2.1.3-beta.1 and Better End Island v2.0.5, I'm unable to recreate this issue


Same problem. Valkyrien Skies v2.1.1-beta.5 in 1.18.2. Looks like it is fixed for newer version


Same issue here -

Yungs 1.19.2 1.0 (newest on curse)
valkyrienskies-119-2.1.2-beta.1.jar (newest on curse)


@yungnickyoung do you think this is something you can/will fix for 1.19? I was planning on using your mod for the end in my modpack which is nearing completion, but as it stands can't sadly cause of this. If you do not think you can or will fix for 1.19 please let me know so I can make another plan.



Sorry, but I won't be planning on backporting any fixes to 1.19. I'm also not even sure if the issue is on my end or Valkyrien Skies' end in the first place.


Thats fair enough but very sad ! Your mod is the only one I know of that makes the end island actually good!

In case it helps I grabbed a snip of the log file from the time of the dragon spawning, to the time it was flying and the crystals were fully spawned and still invulnerable (ie bugged)

[17:26:29] [Server thread/INFO]: Scanning for legacy world dragon fight...
[17:26:29] [Server thread/INFO]: Found that the dragon has not yet been killed in this world.
[17:26:29] [Server thread/INFO]: Set the exit portal location to: BlockPos{x=0, y=61, z=0}
[17:26:30] [Worker-Main-32/WARN]: The namespace structory contains an outdated structure file, which can cause worldgen lag. Please view debug.log for the full filename, determine which mod provides the structure, and report to the mod/datapack author, including the debug log.
[17:26:30] [Render thread/INFO]: OpenGL debug message: id=1282, source=API, type=ERROR, severity=HIGH, message='GL_INVALID_OPERATION error generated. Buffer name does not refer to an buffer object generated by OpenGL.'
[17:26:31] [Worker-Main-32/WARN]: The namespace philipsruins contains an outdated structure file, which can cause worldgen lag. Please view debug.log for the full filename, determine which mod provides the structure, and report to the mod/datapack author, including the debug log.
[17:26:32] [Render thread/WARN]: unusualend:textures/entities/undead_enderling.png doesn't have /entity/ in path, so can't look for /entity_icon/
[17:26:32] [Render thread/WARN]: Can't get entityTexture for endermanoverhaul:textures/entity_icon/end/end_enderman.png
[17:26:32] [Render thread/WARN]: Can't get entityTexture for endermanoverhaul:textures/entity_icon/default/default_enderman.png
[17:26:33] [Server thread/ERROR]: java.lang.Exception: Collision box is too big! AABB[45.0, -2032.0, -9.0] -> [63.0, 2031.0, 9.0] returning empty list! this might break things
[17:26:36] [Server thread/INFO]: Starting initial dragon fight!
[17:26:36] [Server thread/INFO]: Found all crystals, starting initial dragon spawn.
[17:26:43] [Server thread/ERROR]: java.lang.Exception: Collision box is too big! AABB[45.0, -2032.0, -9.0] -> [63.0, 2031.0, 9.0] returning empty list! this might break things
[17:26:48] [Server thread/ERROR]: java.lang.Exception: Collision box is too big! AABB[45.0, -2032.0, -9.0] -> [63.0, 2031.0, 9.0] returning empty list! this might break things
[17:26:58] [Server thread/ERROR]: java.lang.Exception: Collision box is too big! AABB[45.0, -2032.0, -9.0] -> [63.0, 2031.0, 9.0] returning empty list! this might break things
[17:27:06] [Server thread/INFO]: Dragon is now in phase Hover (#10) on the server
[17:27:06] [Server thread/INFO]: Dragon is now in phase HoldingPattern (#0) on the server
[17:27:06] [Server thread/INFO]: Set the exit portal location to: BlockPos{x=0, y=61, z=0}
[17:27:06] [Render thread/INFO]: Dragon is now in phase Hover (#10) on the client
[17:27:06] [Render thread/INFO]: Dragon is now in phase HoldingPattern (#0) on the client
[17:27:06] [Server thread/ERROR]: java.lang.Exception: Collision box is too big! AABB[45.0, -2032.0, -9.0] -> [63.0, 2031.0, 9.0] returning empty list! this might break things


I know you said you wouldnt fix this in 1.19 but I have to try and ask :)

Would it take much work to expose this as a setting for the user? Maybe with a warning that it could cause issues and only to be used in case of issues?

Something like invuln_crystal_spawn = true /false



This happened for me on 1.20.1 (1.20-Forge-2.0.5), also with Valkyrien Skies, but I haven't tried with a minimal set of mods

/execute as @e[type=minecraft:end_crystal] run data get entity @s Invulnerable
End Crystal has the following entity data: 1b (x9)

I was able to fix with:

/execute as @e[type=minecraft:end_crystal] run data modify entity @s Invulnerable set value false

is there a way to make this a permanent fix in a modpack?