- 2
Spawning of ender dragon makes InControll use imposible.
#27 opened by SweetlilTrinket - 1
[1.20.1] [Fabric] Cloth Config API not required
#11 opened by sirben99 - 4
More Dragon Eggs
#13 opened by Fail-gh - 3
[Suggestion] Sound issues.
#12 opened by Qee1y - 1
[Bug] FabricWaystones getting deleted by player spawn structure
#15 opened by Hexality - 2
Dragon doesn't spawn with other end mods
#14 opened by CageyPower - 0
YUNG's Better End Island & Savage Ender Dragon (SomeAddon) Cause EnderMen to not spawn correctly
#17 opened by Zelioth - 2
incompatibility with Stellarity
#16 opened by jojofenin99 - 2
[Suggestion] Add a config or don't rebuild structures on dragon spawn and kill
#18 opened by PonyWarrior - 2
Some Sounds are broken with Sound Physics Remastered
#19 opened by rabbit-time - 1
(1.18.2) StructureBlock for Exitportal unassigned.
#23 opened by I2pRandom - 1
Console is being spammed with "Starting Initial Dragon Fight"
#20 opened by ItzLucaGER - 3
Singleplayer world crashed while end dragon spawned
#21 opened by liangmoe - 3
Does the spawn platform reset on purpose?
#22 opened by AnasterianSunstrider - 7
Does the fix to MoreDragonEggs mod in 2.0.5 affect any dragon egg replenishing mod? Ie. "Vanilla Refresh"
#24 opened by hiimrickross - 1
Dragon Spawning Mechanic not working
#25 opened by N4ttNatt - 9
Valkyrien Skies Mod Breaks Spawning Sequence
#26 opened by Freeshava - 2
Incompatibility with Stellarity
#7 opened by XeeXeeVR - 4
Dimension Fail
#8 opened by TheEmpireSro - 2
[Suggestion] Add a config option
#1 opened by MbtMarco - 1
End Bell Tower Didn't Generate But Sounds Are Still Heard
#2 opened by Jaxx7655 - 3
The "/end_island" command can't be used
#3 opened by KazeShukufuku - 0
End bell tower end crystals are in the wrong position
#9 opened by Jaxx7655 - 0
Issues with Immersive Portals mod
#4 opened by stikyscommands - 2
[Suggestion] Add a config file.
#5 opened by ZeykeHas - 1
Exit Portal Tower can fail to generate + Be incomplete
#6 opened by Inonedn - 0
[Suggestion] Add music config/option
#10 opened by Cyan4235 - 1
nothing else but the center island
#28 opened by wackoamd1 - 0
REQUEST: BetterEnd end island replacer
#29 opened by itsdeadfrosty - 0
So sorry, I missed that 1.20.4 is out
#31 opened by user10072023github - 1
Adventurez compatibility?
#30 opened by Ejz9 - 1
Request I NEED 1.20.2!!!!!!!!!!!!!
#33 opened by goofygoobersillybilly - 1
Not generating
#32 opened by rickszm - 2
Rest of End Dimension Generates VERY far from Centre Island
#34 opened by Tozsta - 0
[Incompatibility] Yung's Better End Island v2.0.6 crashes when loaded alongside Valkyrien Skies 2.30-beta 5 and Eureka 1.3.0-beta 4
#35 opened by adozenlionsroaring - 2
Server Startet nicht
#37 opened by SeyfuhKun - 1
How to configure the mod
#39 opened by Raymer753 - 0
How do you get the resurrection platform back to the original
#40 opened by Luqixue336 - 0
[Incompatibility] End spawn structure overwrites Dimensional Dungeon portals
#41 opened by CherryPuppet - 0
Description: Exception ticking world
#42 opened by Cloudcolumncat - 1
Invincible / indestructible end crystal on survival
#44 opened by TwentyOneCabbageee - 0
Where is the house
#45 opened by BaptisteII - 1
Issues with dragon fight
#46 opened by CanecaKun - 0
where is ender dragon?
#47 opened by 7yudinglaopin8 - 0
End structure going down
#48 opened by oskarbukovsky - 1
Center crystals not destroyable and /end_island reset is unknown or incomplete command
#49 opened by artvandelayy - 1
Incompatibility with True Ending: Ender Dragon Overhaul mod
#50 opened by Willem07 - 0
Why can't I destroy End Crystal on the Obsidian Pillar?
#51 opened by LMaxRouterCN - 0
Compatibility with the BetterEnd mod
#52 opened by Willem07 - 0
[Enhancement] End's Phantasm compat / Bell sound tweaks
#53 opened by emihead