Zaynen's Potion Of Haste Mod

Zaynen's Potion Of Haste Mod


This Mod Adds A Haste Potion To The Game

Just Find Some Sugar And Mix It In A Brewing Stand With A Strength Potion, OR, Find Some Blaze Powder & Put It In A Speed Potion, Then Enjoy Your Crafted Haste Potion

Crafting Recipe #1 For
 Potion Of Haste

1 Potion Of Strength + 1 Sugar = 1 Haste Potion

Crafting Recipe #2 For
 Potion Of Haste

1 Potion Of Swiftness + 1 Blaze Powder = 1 Haste Potion

Zaynen's Potion Of Haste Mod | Mod Showcase
(Video Coming Soon)