ZC Entity Information

ZC Entity Information


Check out my other mod if you like: ZC Village Information

Hello everyone,

I wrote this mod because I could. Hope you like it...


  • Displays a list of entities in the players area. (120 Blocks)
  • Displays the number of entities spawned for each entity type. (Only entities the client is aware of.)
  • Shows the position of each entity with a line.
  • Server OP's can disable the use of entity lines on the player client with a server command. See Commands:
  • In the mod options you can change the text position on the screen. Press the Advanced button. (Values are in pixels)

Key Bindings

  • [ - Toggles Entity list on/off.
  • ] - Cycle through list.
  • LCTR + ] - Cycle through list (reverse)


  • "/entitynolines true" or "/entitynolines false" - If you are a level 4 OP you can issue the server command "/entitynolines" to allow or disallow clients to see entity lines. Some may consider this mod a potential cheat on their server. If you would like to control clients that log into your server, load this mod on your server and issue the command "/entitynolines true". The mod does not have to be loaded on the client. You will not receive a mod missing error.


This is BETA. Use at your own risk.

  1. Copy the .jar file to the mods directory on the client, server, or both.
    • The mod can run on a client without being on the server.
    • The mod can run on a server without being on the client.


  • 1.10.2 Compiled with Forge version: 1.10.2-
  • 1.9.4 Compiled with Forge version: 1.9.4-
  • 1.8.9 Compiled with Forge version: 1.8.9-
