NOTE: In case I am no longer able to log in here after Twitch's forced account merging over at the MinecraftForums, updates to and discussion of this mod will continue on PlanetMinecraft.
Prepare yourself for THE ultimate Zelda mod for Minecraft! Including nearly every Zelda item, fully functional just like in the games, sword skills such as Link's Spin Attack, mobs, dungeons, several quests, and more. If you ever enjoyed a Zelda game, then you will certainly love this mod. If, on the other hand, you simply want to add some extra spice to Minecraft's combat system without adding tons of items and other things, I recommend you check out my standalone combat enhancement mod, Dynamic Sword Skills.
Be sure to check out AntiqueAtlas by Hunternif for more Quest-related sneak-peeks, as well as to use alongside ZSS to view Boss Dungeon locations on your Antique Map!
Also make sure to check out the Official ZSS Addon by TheRedMajora! The addon aims to add in everything from Zelda that didn't make it into the main mod, such as every single sword ever appearing in Zelda!
Image Removed:
Last but not least, be sure to check out SamHunny's excellent Let's Play series featuring ZSS! For a special peek at what she has to offer, click the spoiler!
This section has moved! All item, block, mob, and skill descriptions, along with everything else (configuration settings, secrets, etc.) have been bundled into a much more presentable and, most importantly, not space-limited PDF.
Get the Official ZSS Manual now! The manual will be updated regularly and stamped with a new date - be sure to check the change log to see if anything has changed in the manual.
F.A.Q. - Please read me before asking questions!
Q: Help, your mod crashed my game!
A: Oops! First, READ the mod description carefully, and then answer the following questions:
1. Did you install the correct version of the mod?
2. Did you install the correct version of Forge?
3. Did you install the correct versions of OTHER mods?
If you can answer YES to all three questions, then please kindly post your full crash report inside of [ spoiler ] tags, along with a detailed description of what you were doing when the game crashed. The more information you can give me, the more likely I will be able to fix your problem.
Q: Your mod crashes with Battlegear2!!!
A: No, it doesn't - you forgot to install the correct versions of both mods. Please read the download description and change log carefully.
Q: Why can't I use skills with Tinker's Construct (or other mod) weapons!
A: You can, but you may need to add them to the Weapon Registry. Please see the section on Commands in the ZSS Manual.
Q: Why aren't the villager trades working with Minecraft Comes Alive (MCA) ?
A: In order to do what they do, MCA replaces all vanilla villagers with their own class, but this means that other mods which rely on the vanilla class to do things (such as trade) have a high chance of not working. This is one of those cases.
Q: Will you add [x] sword?
A: No. The swords currently available have a nice progression from weak to strong, and I am not interested in adding another sword that has basically the same stats as one that already exists just for the sake of variety. The Official ZSS Addon, however, adds nearly all of the swords not included in the main mod.
Q: Can you please add { insert whatever } ?
a. Is {whatever} in a Zelda game? I have already considered it.
b. Is {whatever} NOT in a Zelda game? Then no, I won't add it.
If you answered 'a' and still want to ask, either provide details about HOW and WHY it should be implemented, otherwise I will ignore you.
Q: The transformation masks (e.g. Deku Mask) are supposed to change the player model!!!
A: I know, but it is much more difficult than one would think, not to mention it would likely conflict with every other mod that wants to do something with the player model. At best, I may be able to manage a skin change, but it's not a high priority for me.
Q: Will you ever add more elaborate dungeons?
A: No. However, I encourage people to use the mod in Adventure Maps, where it is quite feasible to replicate not only the form of Zelda dungeons, but also to add the many intricate puzzles and quests that should accompany each dungeon.
Q: But you can just use schematics to add dungeons, will you do that?
A: No. Unless playing an Adventure Map, I prefer the dungeons to be slightly randomized to better fit the randomness of the Minecraft world; schematics cannot be randomized when added without converting them to Java, which can add tens of thousands of lines of code that I would rather not deal with, plus I just do not like working with schematics in general.
Q: What about adding dimensions?
A: Sorry, I do not have any plans at this time to add new dimensions.
Q: BOSSES!!! When will you be adding proper Zelda bosses?!?!?!
A: There are currently only two, but I'm working on more, please be patient.
Q: Your textures suck, can you make better ones?
A: Sorry, I'm not an artist. If you can do better, please submit your textures via private message and I will consider replacing the current texture with yours, but only if yours are good ;P
Q: My bombs are not blowing up the secret rooms, what is going on?!?!
A: Congratulations, you have found a secret room that requires a special item to enter! Excavate around the secret room until you find either a pair of Barrier Blocks or some kind of Peg, then use the appropriate item to open it up so you can get that treasure chest!
Q: My question was not answered here, now what?
A: Please download and read the Official ZSS Manual before asking questions about content in the mod.
The following are mods that provide features I consider complementary and should enhance your experience.
Please keep in mind that I am not responsible for any content in these mods and that I cannot guarantee compatibility.
If you experience issues, try using the latest version or rolling back to a previous version depending on your situation.
Antique Atlas by Hunternif - Keep track of boss dungeons on an old-school rpg map!
Battlegear2 by GotoLink, NerdBoy, et al. - Dual-wielding, shields, awesome.
NOTE: BG2 v1.0.10.0 adds a config option to re-enable item blocking - you MUST enable this for many ZSS items to function correctly if you play with BG2 installed.
Custom Chest Loot by FatherToast - Customize loot in secret room and boss chests, jar drops, etc.
Version Checker by Dynious - Check for the latest ZSS version right from the main menu of Minecraft!
ZSS Official Addon by TheRedMajora - Adds everything from Zelda that didn't make it into the main mod
Link Removed: 16X [16x16] by metroidisendless
Link Removed: 16X 1.7.10 add on [16x16] by metroidisendless
32x32 WIP pack by radisnooker5
Updated to Minecraft 1.8.9, Forge build 1.8.9-
+ Forge version checker support (untested)
- Sword beam slices through dekus like a hot knife through butter
- Sword beam rendering made to look more horizontal
- Shields finally render properly again, even in the BG2 offhand slot
- Bomb item rendered incorrectly when dropped vs. thrown
- Bombs in ceramic jars rendered partially in ground outside of jar
- Ceramic jars could not be placed on glass blocks
- Sword beam was not considered a projectile
- Player didn’t swing arm when throwing ceramic jars
1.8 v3.3: Princesses & Magic
This is the final release for 1.8.0.
Updated to recommended Forge build 1.8-
+ Magic Meter – yes, it's finally here, with lots of display options (see config file and manual)
+ NPC: Princess Zelda plus an entire quest line involving her
+ Block: Ancient tablets with mysterious writings carved upon them
+ Block: Quake Stone (in 2 varieties) – can be destroyed only by using the Quake Medallion (or Megaton Hammer + Golden Gauntlets, if enabled)
+ New Secret Room with Quake Stone door; Ocarina of Time and Magic Container both common here
+ Item: Book of Mudora, a tome of knowledge passed down through the generations in some villages
+ Item: Bombos Medallion – powers up Spin Attack so it shoots fireballs
+ Item: Ether Medallion – blasts enemies out of the sky with lightning
+ Item: Quake Medallion – causes a massive earthquake
+ Item: Purple Potion restores stamina bar like the Green Potion used to
+ Item: Lon Lon Milk restores 5 hearts per use and can be used twice
+ Item: Chateau Romani (Lon Lon Special) gives infinite magic bar for a short time
+ Item: Magic Container permanently increases magic capacity by 50 and replenishes magic bar.
+ Item: Magic Jars restore a small amount of MP when picked up, but cannot be stored
+ Item: Large Magic Jar restores 250 MP but cannot be stored
+ Command: zssmagic <player> <add|set> <current|max> <amount>
+ Config: Set maximum number of attainable magic points (default 250, player starts with 50)
+ Config: Allow Nayru’s Love to be activated while the magic bar is unlimited
+ Config: Make players immune to the Ether and Quake medallion effects
+ Config: Allow the Megaton Hammer to destroy Quake blocks (also requires Golden Gauntlets)
+ Config: Frequency of small heart and magic jar drops from mobs
+ Config: Issue #68 – Map makers can now set default warp locations, either in game by sneak activating a warp stone or manually in the config file
+ Config: Setting for Fire Rod griefing
+ Config: All ZSS HUD elements have settings for horizontal and vertical alignment as well as offsets
+ Crafting: Optional recipes for upgrading the hookshot via crafting
+ Crafting: Optional recipe to allow making copies of the Book of Mudora
+ API: IMagicArrow – allows arrows to require and consume magic power when shot from the Hero's Bow
+ API: IQuakeBlock – interface for blocks that react to the Quake Medallion
- Completely redid how ZSS HUD overlays manage their placement and redid their config entries
- Issue #62 – Sword Pedestal now uses WeaponRegistry to determine what can be placed in it (still swords only)
- Potions no longer restore hunger: Green Potion restores 100 magic, Blue Potion restores 100 magic and 20 hearts (40 hp)
- Ceramic jars/pots no longer drop Green Potions, but may instead drop Magic Jars
- All mobs have a chance of dropping Small Hearts and Magic Jars
- Mobs with high max health have a chance of dropping a Large Magic Jar
- Fairies at fairy pools restore magic in addition to health
- Nayru's Love does not prevent skill use, excepting any portion thereof that requires magic (e.g. extra spins from Super Spin Attack)
- Cursed Keese attacks have a chance to drain mana, in which case they recover some of their own health
- Zelda’s Letter and Ocarina of Time can now be earned by means other than random luck
Fixed Bugs:
- Unable to fire regular arrows if magic arrow selected in item mode and insufficient magic
- Water bombs now generate in ocean loot at a rate more similar to fire bombs in the Nether
- Possible to end up with ‘ghost’ ceramic jars on the client
- Issue #70 – Dedicated server crash when beginning Zelda’s quest
- Issue #45 (partially) – shields now display correctly in inventory and in hand, but at the cost of the back texture for now
- Issue #55 – Secret rooms and boss temples not generating in the Nether
- Minor effects of Epona’s Song not triggering with Fairy Ocarina
- Deku Babas could potentially be pushed by other entities
- Deku Babas immune to being set on fire by lava
- Heart Container name displayed as ‘Skill Orb of Heart Container’
- Issue #66 – Possible crash when a Wizzrobe attempts to drop items
- Issue #69 – Dedicated server crash when converting some NPCs from villagers
- Dash skill had trouble hitting short targets
- Rising Cut could not be blocked by shields when wielded in the BG2 offhand
- Rising Cut could potentially be activated while an item was in use
- Combo damage overlay now correctly uses client font height
- Some language entries did not allow for proper translations due to word order
- Minor inconsistencies in Mask Shop quest dialogue
- Armor taking extra damage each hit while certain skills in use
- NPCs possibly taking damage from block above themselves when spawning
- Possible crash when converting NPCs (different from #69)
- EntityLiving#onInitialSpawn not being called for converted NPCs
1.7.10 v2.5.1: Critical bug fixes
- Issue #70 – Dedicated server crash when beginning Zelda’s quest
- Minor effects of Epona’s Song not triggering with Fairy Ocarina
- Armor taking extra damage each hit while certain skills in use
- NPCs possibly taking damage from block above themselves when spawning
- Possible crash when converting NPCs (different from #69)
- EntityLiving#onSpawnWithEgg not being called for converted NPCs
1.7.10 v2.5: Princesses & Magic
Updated to recommended Forge build 1.7.10-
+ Magic Meter – yes, it's finally here, with lots of display options (see config file)
+ NPC: Princess Zelda plus an entire quest line involving her
+ Block: Ancient tablets with mysterious writings carved upon them
+ Block: Quake Stone (in 2 varieties) – can be destroyed only by using the Quake Medallion (or Megaton Hammer + Golden Gauntlets, if enabled)
+ New Secret Room with Quake Stone door; Ocarina of Time and Magic Container both common here
+ Item: Book of Mudora, a tome of knowledge passed down through the generations in some villages
+ Item: Bombos Medallion – powers up Spin Attack so it shoots fireballs
+ Item: Ether Medallion – blasts enemies out of the sky with lightning
+ Item: Quake Medallion – causes a massive earthquake
+ Item: Purple Potion restores stamina bar like the Green Potion used to
+ Item: Lon Lon Milk restores 5 hearts per use and can be used twice
+ Item: Chateau Romani (Lon Lon Special) gives infinite magic bar for a short time
+ Item: Magic Container permanently increases magic capacity by 50 and replenishes magic bar.
+ Item: Magic Jars restore a small amount of MP when picked up, but cannot be stored
+ Item: Large Magic Jar restores 250 MP but cannot be stored
+ Command: zssmagic <player> <add|set> <current|max> <amount>
+ Config: Set maximum number of attainable magic points (default 250, player starts with 50)
+ Config: Allow Nayru’s Love to be activated while the magic bar is unlimited
+ Config: Make players immune to the Ether and Quake medallion effects
+ Config: Allow the Megaton Hammer to destroy Quake blocks (also requires Golden Gauntlets)
+ Config: Frequency of small heart and magic jar drops from mobs
+ Config: Issue #68 – Map makers can now set default warp locations, either in game by sneak activating a warp stone or manually in the config file
+ Crafting: Optional recipes for upgrading the hookshot via crafting
+ Crafting: Optional recipe to allow making copies of the Book of Mudora
+ API: IMagicArrow – allows arrows to require and consume magic power when shot from the Hero's Bow
+ API: IQuakeBlock – interface for blocks that react to the Quake Medallion
- Issue #62 – Sword Pedestal now uses WeaponRegistry to determine what can be placed in it (still swords only)
- Potions no longer restore hunger: Green Potion restores 100 magic, Blue Potion restores 100 magic and 20 hearts (40 hp)
- Ceramic jars/pots no longer drop Green Potions, but may instead drop Magic Jars
- All mobs have a chance of dropping Small Hearts and Magic Jars
- Mobs with high max health have a chance of dropping a Large Magic Jar
- Fairies at fairy pools restore magic in addition to health
- Nayru's Love does not prevent skill use, excepting any portion thereof that requires magic (e.g. extra spins from Super Spin Attack)
- Cursed Keese attacks have a chance to drain mana, in which case they recover some of their own health
- Zelda’s Letter and Ocarina of Time can now be earned by means other than random luck
Fixed Bugs:
- Deku Babas could potentially be pushed by other entities
- Deku Babas immune to being set on fire by lava
- Heart Container name displayed as ‘Skill Orb of Heart Container’
- Magic Rod particles spawning above player’s head after updating Forge version
- Issue #66 – Possible crash when a Wizzrobe attempts to drop items
- Issue #69 – dedicated server crash when converting some NPCs from villagers
- Dash skill had trouble hitting short targets
- Rising Cut could not be blocked by shields when wielded in the BG2 offhand
- Rising Cut could potentially be activated while an item was in use
- Combo damage overlay now correctly uses client font height
- Some language entries did not allow for proper translations due to word order
1.6.4 v1.1: Anniversary Edition
Includes all changes up to and including 1.7.10 v2.2.7!!!
NOTE: If you have installed Java 8, you MUST install Forge 1.6.4-
Due to size restrictions on posted content here, please see the update log archive over at my PlanetMinecraft mod page. Sorry for the incovenience.
A Darknut charging up Armor Break
Wizzrobes come in a variety of colors, each with a different elemental spell
Skill GUI
A happy Goron family!
Shields, functional both with or without Battlegear2!
Antique Atlas Map support - easily see which dungeons are completed
New Mob: the Chu, in four distinct varieties
New buffs and debuffs, with toggleable HUD
A Boss Dungeon in the Nether
Prove yourself worthy of the Master Sword by finding all the Pendants of Virtue
A rare find!
Fairies released from bottles
Leaping Blow
ZSS is an open source mod released under the GPL v3, which means you are allowed to include this mod in your modpack (regardless of who you are), use it for custom maps, etc. All I ask is that you credit me as the original author and provide a link to this page so users can find the most up-to-date information. Thanks for your cooperation.
Note: You may NOT post your own or similar links to download this mod, anywhere - you do not have permission to profit from my hard work. Likewise, do redistribute the mod in any modified form without full disclosure.
Zelda Sword Skills for Minecraft 1.8.9 was made and tested using Forge 1.8.9-
Zelda Sword Skills for Minecraft 1.8 was made and tested using Forge
Zelda Sword Skills for Minecraft 1.7.10 was made and tested using Forge
Version for Minecraft 1.6.4 requires Forge, but is no longer supported! Please update to a newer version of Minecraft.
Please do not post bug reports if you are using a different version of either Minecraft or Forge from those stated above.
- Install the required version of Forge in to you minecraft.jar
- Start and stop Minecraft to test to make sure that Forge was added successfully
- Put mod jar or zip in to your /mods folder
- Load up Minecraft and play!
[code]<br />[center][url=][img][/img][/url][/center]<br />[/code]
A huge thanks to those who have helped support this mod through monetary contributions:
- AlanGreyjoy, Saraphae
to UltimateSpartan for the idea and opportunity to work on Quest, and for making the awesome banner, and for making some awesome models!
to GotoLink for all of his patience assisting me in supporting Battlegear2
to Hunternif for adding API support for his awesome Antique Atlas mod, making the dungeon textures, and the whirlwind effect for the Deku Leaf
to HoopAWolf for the amazing bomb and jar models
to Jones7789 for his many texture and model contributions
to Gaming_Confusion for his texture contributions
to diesieben07, Draco18s, and the other guys over at for sharing their knowledge
to RazzleberryFox for the Goron model and texture
to TheRedMajora for keeping me motivated and sharing his Zelda knowledge, as well as lots of textures/models,
to all of you for your great suggestions and feedback
to metroidisendless for various textures and models
and also to my wife for her support and musical / sound contributions.