Zelda Sword Skills

Zelda Sword Skills


Sun Song inscription will never generate

coolAlias opened this issue ยท 0 comments


The Sun Song sets flag2, but only the first flag is checked in the condition for generating a pillar.

Suggest changing to:

boolean flag = false;
this.song = null;
if (biome == BiomeGenBase.swampland && rand.nextFloat() < 0.35F) {
	this.song = ZeldaSongs.songSoaring;
} else if  (biome == BiomeGenBase.savanna && rand.nextFloat() < 0.35F) {
	this.song = ZeldaSongs.songSun;
} else if (biome != null && biome.biomeName != null) {
	flag = allowedBiomes.contains(biome.biomeName);
if (song != null || flag) {
	if (generate2(rand, x, z)) {
		onPillarPlaced(chunkX, chunkZ);