Zelda Sword Skills

Zelda Sword Skills


Hookshot, clawshot, whip, mirror, not working when running with Mine&Blade: Battlegear 2

Mumberthrax opened this issue ยท 1 comments


Attempting to use the hookshot, clawshot, whip, and magic mirror while mine&blade is installed seems to achieve no effect. I'm not certain if this is an issue with Battlegear2 or with ZSS.

running mc 1.8; forge; ZSS 3.0.3b; M&B

(edit: same results in forge;

steps to duplicate:

  • install both mods.
  • create a new creative world
  • give yourself the hookshot item, the clawshot, the whip, and the magic mirror.
  • place a wooden block in the world, such as oak planks or a wood log.
  • place a "beam" block from the zelda sword skills mod someplace, several meters up.
  • place a stone block somewhere in the world, cobblestone or smoothstone
  • put the hookshot, whip, or clawshot in the hotbar, or in the mine&blade offhand inventory slot
  • aim the hookshot at the wood, right click and hold.
  • aim the clawshot at the stone, right click and hold.
  • aim the whip at the beam, right click and hold.
  • hold the magic mirror, right click and hold

To observe intended effects, remove the Mine & Blade: Battlegear 2 mod from the minecraft instance and repeat the above steps.

This is a cross-posted issue from the BG2 github, since I as a layman end-user don't know which mod the bug belongs to. Mine-and-blade-admin/Battlegear2#212


Known issue, already fixed by BG2. See Mine-and-blade-admin/Battlegear2#206