This modpack allows player with little desire for technology to play with many different magic mods. You will be able to experience new and exciting things along with discovering dimensions beyond imagination. Beware as there are new monsters to fear in the dark, and be sure to bring your torch, as this is definitely going to be an exploration into this new dark age of Minecraft. Explore the world of Atum, practice druidic rituals, and pick some flowers for your garden as you go on an all new Adventure through the Arcane!
I have included Better Questing and Better Questing - Standard Expansion, as well as Craft and Modtweaker mods to allow servers the ability to add custom content for their servers if they wish. In addition, you can use this in singleplayer if you would like, however it is a lot of work to setup, so you have been warned!
Mod List:
- Ad Inferos
- Aether Aspects
- AgriCraft
- Ancient Trees
- Ancient Warfare 2
- Another One Bites The Dust
- Antique Atlas
- AppleCore
- AppleMilkTea2
- Atum: Journey Into the Sands
- Baubleicious
- Baubles Stuff
- Better Dungeons
- Better Questing
- Better Questing - Standard Expansion
- Better Achievements
- BiblioCraft
- BiblioCraft: BiblioWoods ExtrabiomesXL Edition
- BiblioCraft: BiblioWoods Natura Edition
- Blood Arsenal
- Blood Baubles
- Blood Magic
- Botania
- Carpenter's Blocks
- Chat Bubbles
- ChickenChunks
- Chisel
- ChiselTones
- CodeChickenCore
- CoFH Core
- Controlling
- CraftTweaker
- Custom Main Menu
- DecoCraft2
- Dense Ores
- Druidry
- DummyCore
- Dungeon Mobs
- Dynamic Lights
- Enchanting Plus
- Ender Compass
- Ender Storage
- EnderCore
- EnderTanks
- Et Futurum
- ExtrabiomesXL
- EZStorage
- FastCraft
- FlatBedrock Xplosion's Edition
- Forbidden Magic
- Gadomancy
- Gilded Games Util
- Hardcore Darkness
- Hardcore Ender Expansion
- Hat Stand
- Hats
- Headcrumbs
- iChunUtil
- InfiniBows (Infinity Bow Fix)
- InGame Info XML
- INpureCore
- Inventory Tweaks
- Iron Backpacks
- Iron Chests
- IvToolkit
- Jabba
- Just Another Crafting Bench
- KleeSlabs
- Kore Sample
- Levels
- LunatriusCore
- Magic Cookies
- Magical Crops: Armoury
- Magical Crops: Core
- MagicalDecorations
- Mantle
- Metallurgy
- Metallurgy Core
- MetallurgyChisel
- ModTweaker
- MoreChisels
- Morpheus
- Mouse Tweaks
- Natura
- Neat
- NEI Addons
- NEI Integration
- NetherOres
- NetherPortalFix
- Nodal Mechanics
- NotEnoughItems
- NotEnoughResources
- NotEnoughThaumcraftTabs
- OpenBlocks
- OpenModsLib
- Pam's BoneCraft
- Pam's DesertCraft
- Pam's HarvestCraft
- Pam's Random Plants
- Pam's Temperate Plants
- Pam's Weee! Flowers
- Power Apples
- Project Red - Base
- Project Red - Integration
- Project Red - Lighting
- Random Things
- Recurrent Complex
- Reliquary v1.3
- Rougelike Dungeons
- Runic Dungeons
- SecretRoomsMod
- ShetiPhianCore
- Signposts
- Simple Achievements
- Soul Shards: The Old Ways
- StartingInventory
- stimmedcow : NoMoreRecipeConflict
- Storage Drawers
- Storage Drawers: Natura Pack
- Tainted Magic
- TCBotaniaExoflame
- Thaumaturgical Knowledge
- Thaumcraft
- Thaumcraft Inventory Scanning
- Thaumcraft Mob Aspects
- Thaumcraft NEI Plugin
- Thaumic Bases
- Thaumic Exploration
- Thaumic Horizons
- Thaumic Infusion
- Thaumic Tinkerer
- Thaumic Upholstry
- The Aether II
- The Erebus
- The Twilight Forest
- Think Big Core
- Totemic
- Traveller's Gear
- Treecapitator
- Waila
- Waila Harvestability
- WAILA Plugins
- Witchery
- Witching Gadgets
- Ztones