


This modpack is meant to be similar to vanilla Minecraft, just better.  To that end, it includes a number of quality-of-life mods that have become staples of modded Minecraft, including Inventory Tweaks for smarter and easier inventory management, the Not Enough Items replacement Just Enough Items (augmented with Just Enough Buttons, Just Enough Resources, and More Overlays), InGame Info XML so you can easily keep track of numerous things including durability of weapons and armor, JourneyMap so you can see where you've gone and where you're going, AppleSkin so you can get a bit more info about your hunger, and a few others.

Additionally, because storage options in vanilla are pretty limited, included are both Iron Chests and Storage Drawers.  Iron Chests adds chests based on standard materials (iron, gold, diamond, etc.) that have larger inventories and take up only one block.  Storage Drawers adds click-based blocks that store varying amounts of materials and can even network them together enabling a central drop-off point.  The mod page goes into more detail if you wish to read up more, and is linked in the mod list below.

For the builder in you, Chisel is included, adding hundreds of fancy new blocks to suit all of your building aesthetic needs.  Want to build a palace made of pure marble?  Sure!  Want to build a giant industrial building for housing all your crazy redstone contraptions?  Can do.  Like I said, hundreds of fancy new blocks.

And finally, there's FoamFix.  This amazing little mod reduces memory usage, which we all know Java needs.

Change log:

v1.3.0 (2017-05-16)

  • Added AppleSkin mod.
  • Tweaked Just Enough Buttons config.

Old versions:

v1.2.0 (2017-05-16)

  • Added Just Enough Buttons mod.
  • Minor (final!) adjustment to Better Title Screen config.

v1.1.0 (2017-05-16)

  • Removed FTB Utilities mod.
  • Removed FTBLib mod.
  • Removed CompatLayer mod.
  • Updated Better Title Screens config file.

v1.0.0 (2017-05-16)

  • Initial release.

Mod list: