Avatar: Fall of the New Nations

Avatar: Fall of the New Nations


This is a great if you are a fan of Avatar: The Last Airbender. But even if you're not, this is still a great modpack. This modpack makes it so you're the Avatar. You start out with a beginning element that you don't have to master, but I recommend it just to add to the immersion that you're the Avatar.  Along you're journey you'll encounter creatures from avatar such as the Sky Bison. But that's the the only creature you'll encounter along the way, you'll encounter much more ferocious beasts such as Dragons and Sea Serpents. you'll even encounter the Ferrous Wroughtnaut deep in the caverns, and the Frostmaw in the sub-zero glaciers. You can even learn all of the sub-elements in this modpack such as: lightning bending, and combustion bending.