BeachBlock Modsplosion Reborn

BeachBlock Modsplosion Reborn


Custom Built for the BeachBlock crew by Nodnam this modpack is the sequel to the original BeachBlock Modsplosion pack.

This all encompassing pack has been taken to higher heights than before. Epic world gen. Tech trees. Magic. And tons more! Find yourself exploring the world with Biome bundle, or sailing the seas with da vinci’s vessels. You can become a wizard with thaumcraft, or be a stargazer with astral sorcery. With ender io you can build ore doubling machines, and with mekisiam you can create up to 5x ore doubling.

A min of 8Gb of ram is required. This pack is super heavy.

Extra Info:

With 200+ mods, what can you define as main mods? I guess I can say Avartia, Draconic Evo, Ender IO, Thermal Expansion, and Thaumcraft. But really with so many mods (once again) what are main mods. If you want to check out the main mods for yourself, download it for yourself.

Mods are, but not limited to: