Beware the Dark

Beware the Dark


Beware the Dark is a modpack based around adventuring during the daytime. Find a home, meet villagers, hunt dragons. At night however, alongside the normal mobs lay their mutant varients, and even moreso is a foe unable to be fought. The darkness itself becomes oppressing, a pitch-black much more than normal minecraft allows. This darkness will, if left unchecked, consume and kill you. Play in moody lighting settings!

Ageing Spawners | Adds a customizable(default 100) mob limit on spawners before they stop functioning entirely.

Alex's Mobs | Adds a number of creatures to the world.

Better Spawner Control | Placing a torch on all 5 open faces of a spawner will cause it to stop, regardless of the lit state of the rest of the room.

Better Third Person | Free camera control while in f5 third person.

Better Villages | Most villages have been remade to look far better than normal minecraft.

BetterEnd Reforked | A maintained version of the BetterEnd mod, making the end city dimension its own proper, livable world.

BetterNether Reforged | Adds new biomes and generation to the nether, as well as new monsters.

Biomes O' Plenty | Adds 50+ new biomes to the game.

Blood Magic | Ability to make magic through the use of blood and life essence.

Campfire Spawns and Tweaks | Campfires can be used as spawnpoints.

Carry On | Allows the carrying of entities, such as chests, furnaces, and animals while keeping their original tags.

Dynamic Lights | When holding a torch/lantern/similar, light will shine around you.

Dynamic Surroundings | A lot of cool little world flavor, like footsteps and falling leaves.

Dynamic Trees | Trees that grow naturally over time, spreading without human interference.

Enhanced Celestials | Adds different lunar events, such as blood moons.

Epic Fight | Enhances how combat functions. Hit R to enter combat mode.

Epic Knights: Shields, Armor, and Weapons | A ton of different medieval-themed weapons and armor.

Eyes In The Darkness | Eyes that stare at you from the dark.

Ice and Fire | Dragons! And many other mythical beasts/

JEI | Everyone knows it, everyone loves it, just enough items.

Healing Campfire | Campfires heal you while you are around them.

Hunger Strike | No need to eat food, though food can still heal you.

Mouse Tweaks | Lots of new mouse functionality in the inventory/chests/crafting.

Mowzie's Mobs | A few boss mobs(and some lesser) scattered around the map.

Mutant Beasts | Adds a chance that the mobs you come across will be their mutated, boss varients.

No Hostiles Around Campfire | Hostile mobs wont spawn around campfires, 

Ominous Darkness | The darkness will slowly consume, and eventually kill you. Holding a torch or remaining in light can drive this away.

Patchouli | Adds instruction manuals of certain mods to the game.

PlayerEx | A stat system located through a button in your inventory.

Quark | A million tiny little things that all make the game way better.

Rats | Adds rats to the game! They are tameable and can perform many tasks.

Realistic Torches | Torches eventually burn out. Permanent light is needed to push back the darkness.

Simple Unbreakable Tools | Tools do not break.

Yung's API and Addons | Better caves, mineshafts, strongholds, etc.