"In an awesome world, you are faced with the task of setting up your empire, whilst fighting the others. Can you do it?"
You are in a plentiful world. You can be anything: A leader of a great empire, a wizard collecting an arsenal of spells, or an explorer, overtaking ruins and dungeons. Yet, one thing is clear: You must defend your home, from your enemies. This modpack is based on exploration, survival, and challenge.
Bleeding Blades is a modpack I originally created a few weeks ago when experimenting with mods. It's based on two sole key mods: Hostile Worlds: Invasions and Ancient Warfare 2. Ancient Warfare 2 is like a hub to connect all mods, it adds onto a lot of mods such as Ice and Fire or Mowzies Mobs (and many more) with new structures and such. You can setup your own empire using its many NPCs. HW:I brings a new element to this game: invasions. You are tasked with fortifying your fortress from your worst enemies, while keeping your AG2 kingdom safe.
There's over 70 mods, this is a pretty light modpack, however you should have at MINIMUM 4GB of RAM.
- The ability to build a worthy kingdom, where workers work for you and soldiers fight for you, with immersive military raiding on other bases.
- The task to fortify said kingdom, for every 5 days, your enemies will attack you.
- An arsenal of spells and other magic utilities, that you can collect and gather.
- Dungeons, structures, and many more to explore, restore, or conquer.
- Features from future versions such as 1.13, 1.14, 1.15, and 1.16.
- Many unique enemies and bosses, from mods such as Mowzie's Mobs, Ice and Fire, Harvester's Night, and Grimoire of Gaia + many more.
- Unique factions, some friendly, some hostile, that roam the lands. Empires, tribes, kingdoms, orcs, much more.
- Transportation using Waystones, found in most in-game structures such as the enemy factions from AG2.
- Quality of life and adding onto vanilla, using fun mods such as Quark, Charm, and Useful Backpacks + many more.
- Small amounts of new content for almost every mod in this modpack thanks to AG2, which adds much more to mods.
- Many building blocks using Chisel and other building mods.
- Awesome world generation using Biomes' O Plenty, ExplorationCraft and RTG.
Performance mods added in the eventuality that optifine messes with mods.
- Corail Tombstone (Corail_31)
- Ancient Warfare 2 (shadowmage4513)
- Appleskin (squeek502)
- AromaBackup and its core (Aroma1997)
- AstikorCarts (MennoMax)
- AtomicStryker's Infernal Mobs (AtomicStrykerGrumpy)
- Quark and its core (Vazkii)
- Backported Flora (Azmalent)
- Better Animals Plus (cybercat5555)
- Better FPS (Guichaguri)
- Biomes O' Plenty (forstride)
- Bookshelf (Darkhaxdev)
- Bookworm (SoggyStache)
- Bow infinity Fix (Parker8283)
- Charm (Svenjhol)
- Chisel and CTM (tterag1098)
- CodeChicken LIB 1.8.+ (covers1624)
- Collective (Serilum)
- Comforts (TheIllusiveC4)
- Coroutil (CoroSUS)
- Deadly World (FatherToast)
- Ding (Ohaiichun)
- Dungeon Mobs Reborn (Sunconure11)
- Dynamic Surroundings (OreCruncher)
- Eerie Entities (DarkHaxDEV)
- Exotic Birds (ThePavoReality)
- ExplorerCraft (Zathrox999)
- Extra Spells [Electroblob's Wizardry] (Meldexun)
- FastFurnace and FastWorkbench (Shadows_Of_Fire)
- Fish's Undead Rising (fish0016054)
- FoamFix (asiekierka)
- FutureMC (TheDarkColour)
- GemsPlusPlus (Trhod177)
- GrimoireOfGaia (Silentine_)
- GrimoireOfGaiaRedux (cybercat5555)
- GUIClock (Serilum)
- Harvester's Night (Lykrast)
- Hostile Worlds: Invasions (CoroSUS)
- Ice and Fire: Dragons (alex1the1666)
- JEI (mezz)
- JER (way2muchnoise)
- LLOR (oldjunyi)
- LLibrary (ForgeUser)
- LostBooks (Fathertoast)
- Mowzie's Mobs (BobMowzie)
- NoMobSpawningOnTrees (oldjunyi)
- Open Glider (gr8pefish)
- OreLib (OreCruncher)
- Pam's Harvest Craft (pamharvestcraft)
- PamSimpleHarvest (cerulan)
- Phospor (jellysquid3)
- Pirates (spectre0987)
- Placebo (Shadows_of_Fire)
- PrimitiveMobs (Daveyx0)
- RTG (WhichOnesPink)
- Reliquary (PopperFly)
- Roguelike Dungeons (GreyMerk)
- Rustic (Cadavrous_queen)
- Shadowfacts_forgelin (ShadowFactsDev)
- Shipwrecks (ThWinslow)
- SimpleHarvest (TehNut)
- Spartan and Fire (ckbovak)
- Spartan Shields (Oblivious Spartan)
- Spartan Weaponry (Oblivious Spartan)
- TexFix (Speiger)
- TheNarrowGate (Noobanidus)
- The Summoner (Daveyx0)
- TidyChunk (OreCruncher)
- U Team Core (HycraftHD)
- Unloader (Unnoen)
- Useful Backpacks (HycraftHD)
- VanillaFix (Runeomoro)
- ViesCraft - Airships! (Vies)
- Villager Names (Serilum)
- Waystones (BlayTheNinth)
- ZAWA (SoggyStache)