Bruh [Moment]: Yes! Edition

Bruh [Moment]: Yes! Edition


[Page rework in-progress]

[Coming either in v1.1 or v1.2. The planned system is huge and needs much more development time. It will be worth the wait, I promise.]

[Coming as of v1.0]


As of right now, v1.0 will not come with RGBLib installed automatically since it's an in-development build that's not currently uploaded to CurseForge. However, it can be downloaded from here:'s Projects/job/Hyper Lighting Core/job/1.16.4/

Just make sure to get the file labeled as "RGBLib-1.16.5-dev-4.jar", place it in the pack's mods folder, and it should work fine. A colored lights config has already been set up to include compatibility for (almost) all mods in the pack.