Building is Love

Building is Love


This Modpack is for building. Its not big or special but so you can play it at every Pc and Laptop. In this modpack are the great building mods Chisel & Bits (by AlgorithmX2), ArchitectureCraft (by bk1325 and gcewing) and MalisisDoors (by Ordinastie). Also includet is McJtyLib (by McJty), RFTools (by McJty and MechWarrior99), RFTools Control (by McJty), RFTools Dimensions (by McJty), WorldEdit (by wizjany and sk89q) and MalisisCore (by Ordinastie). So you can build Smaler walls, detailed thinks some Technicel thiks and great Doors. I wish all much fun. Please leave a comment if you have suggestions, improvements etc. (DonĀ“t look at the Category)