Hey! I'm Christian, a gamer like you! Here is the first modpack I made. I hope you enjoy it as much as I do! This modpack comes with:
-Apple Skin | Shows you your hunger bars stats, and what the thing your holding will do for you if you eat it
-Chisels and bits | Allows you to sculpt blocks to your hearts content
-Clumps | Makes XP orbs cluster together to reduce lag
-Create | A really cool steanpunk-esque mod that allows you to create insane machines
-Create Plus | A addon for create! This will alow you to put the googles in your helmets, so you can wear your fancy netherite helmet with your gucci sunglasses
-Fast leaf decay | Makes leafs decay faster!
-FTB Ultimine | Allows you to vein mine anything at the cost of hunger and durabiliy
-Just Enough Items | Shows you every item in the pack!
-Natures Compass | Allows you to find any biome you want using the natures compass
-Repurposed Structures | Adds new structures to the game!
-The Twighlight Forest | Adds a special dimension filled with bosses and adventure!
-Waystones | Adds waystones! Allows you to teleport to any waystone you activated