- 3
Something in the modpack causes rain sound to vanish completely when standing under a block.
#72 opened by Chleb3k - 2
Automate Zince Quest - Uses Tin Nuggets instead of Zinc Nuggets.
#71 opened by Nayoh7467 - 2
Compass allows very fast travel
#70 opened by NekoSpirits - 1
[BUG - CRASH] Crash game when placing Straw item in BlazeBurn
#69 opened by ribolive - 1
[SUGGESTION] Add keybind-search
#67 opened by Cyphecx - 1
- 5
[Suggestion] Replacing plates with sheets
#65 opened by legoatoom - 3
Giving Fuel Bucket to strawed Blaze Burner causes client crash
#64 opened by CarlSmotricz - 0
Quests stop recognizing new items for completion in single player after the game being open for extended periods
#62 opened by Goreko - 3
Beds stopped working
#61 opened by BellaMagick - 2
Using Piggybackpack while wearing a backpack deletes all contents of backpack.
#60 opened by NekoSpirits - 1
the game acts wierd if the shaderpack is of and you broke a block
#57 opened by yabiz5519 - 2
Move all, move similar
#56 opened by jeytee84 - 0
Cut copper block melting amount
#55 opened by Chwaaak - 3
Crash after placing depot
#54 opened by Codebreakerblue - 1
Unable to create Pavement/Roads
#53 opened by Lernaea - 1
Grapvine Pot not check other wood types
#52 opened by soliterax - 1
disable incompatible TC weapon/chestplate modifiers
#51 opened by Tlotro - 0
travelers vest can bypass flan claims and open chests
#50 opened by minecrafterseppe - 1
Certus Quartz Dust has Millstone and Crushing wheel recipes that fail to display
#49 opened by SirCatolot - 2
"Get Luckier" Quest unable to complete
#48 opened by KajesLorian - 1
"Automate Zinc" quest checks for tin instead
#47 opened by Tlotro - 2
Console Spammed With True
#46 opened by TheAmazingJeh - 1
Triple andesite generator does not work with stone generator
#45 opened by NekoSpirits - 1
Compact Machines Mod
#43 opened by Nerdnub - 1
Unable to receive reward for Carpenter's Workbench unless you relog.
#42 opened by KajesLorian - 3
Hephaestus Vest/Chestplate prevents right-clicking on certain mountable entities (chairs, beds etc)
#41 opened by kil0byt3 - 0
Step Up Hephastus Modifier Not Working
#40 opened by kil0byt3 - 1
Inacurate "Bedrock Stone Generator" quest description
#39 opened by Tlotro - 3
Lag caused by chest + bed with shaders turned on, on Linux
#37 opened by Visne - 1
Tipped Arrows named "Arrow of X" instead of "Bullet of X"
#31 opened by vertexcubed - 1
Add Trash slot mod
#28 opened by Morasiu - 2
Odd dungeon spawning behaviour.
#26 opened by a-jennings - 2
Drills can break graves
#25 opened by rahgall - 2
Missing Recipes
#23 opened by TheDayDude - 1
Let non-creeper explosions damage other entities
#22 opened by deathrobloxian - 2
Add the Chat Up! mod
#20 opened by Auxioni - 0
#19 opened - 4
Inability to make seared stone via melter despite quests saying you could
#18 opened by Fnige - 1
Add polymorph mod
#16 opened by lrcno6 - 1
Unremoved or unmodified tooltip
#14 opened by lrcno6 - 6
#13 opened by lrcno6 - 1
Incorrect tag used for quadruple compressed andesite cobble gen.
#10 opened by deathrobloxian - 0
Add a license file to identify AGPL-3.0 license
#2 opened by JieningYu - 0
About a problem which makes cilent crash.
#1 opened by loadPoint