It was said by the Elders that the World was forged by Dragons after man grew and grew only to break what the Dragons gave. So the Dragons forged again a new world for us as a gift but a caveat was placed that once the population reached a certain size those selected would be sent out to explore and settle a new place.
So it is that we are chosen from those eligible to go out into the world. Trained from birth for the future ahead of of us to use our talents to the best of our abilities. To forge a new life a new home for us.
Are we ready, can we explore, survive to settle. Let us step out and see dear ones, let us start this Journey together.
Welcome to Dawn Forge a Forged from Dragons team project. This pack is cantered around survival, exploration and building. With Tech and magic with a sprinkling of Rpg added to the mix. We have designed this pack so solo through to groups can play and enjoy themselves.
Survivor notes found in the world:
Know this Dear One that the sun sets and the moon rises and these are absolutes. Not all you meet will wish you well. So be vigilant and keep your guard up as you travel. Travel by day as the night brings terrors unimaginable. For there are those that have travelled before you and met a tragic end. They will hinder you and entice to you to a bad end. Instead i say to you trust your heart Dear one and your instincts as you story has not been set in stone. There are many opportunities for one such as you and I wish you well. ( survivor note found in Zeidaher Village) Survivor unknown or what Cadre they belonged to.
Found a red tree place, heard a noise. Saw a rock move and took another look. Nearly died to a bear. Fell into the river, looks up.Ok maybe pushed.
Found one of those cursed wandering warriors nearly died. Yeh that didn't go well. Nearly lost my gear.
Ate bad food. It was really bad food must of been from that village I passed. It rains all the time then had to travel to the South as there was snow. Don’t feel going through that.
So don’t go into red tree forests or think all brown things are rocks. Dont trust ledges, watch your back. Oh and the water is cold, funny that. Cook food properly and watch those villagers as I dont know how they prepared that food. Watch seasons and carry a fire.
Yeh just wanted to leave this note for someone to find. Might help I don't know. Maybe you will fare better with these things. Was not prepared enough. Signed. I wish I could have stayed at the Outpost. (Survivor note. Eagle Cadre last one left i think. Separated in Snow storm ambush.)