EMC Modpack 5

EMC Modpack 5

New Nether Biomes

New Nether Biomes

The Lurker in the Deep

The Lurker in the Deep

Find this mob in the deepest oceans
Night Litch

Night Litch

Find his tower using stars to find your way
In the Swamp lands

In the Swamp lands

Strange huts with new wood types


End Boss, located far in the isles
The Kraken

The Kraken

Can be found in large shipwrecks in the deep oceans
Ghost Towns

Ghost Towns

Find haunted towns in the mesa
Boss Towers

Boss Towers

Find these all over your world
Deep underground

Deep underground

Find abandoned "chests"
New structures

New structures

Ocean mineshafts
Glow Squids

Glow Squids

Blue Forest

Blue Forest

Blackstone Golem

Blackstone Golem

New Nether boss, summons with a few blackstone shards that can be obtained through piglin trades
Far into the End

Far into the End

New End biomes including this one