fight dragons and live with friends 😁
this mod-pack is an open sink mod-pack with no quests what so ever
it mainly focuses on the adventure and dragons from ice and fire and other mods but there still are mods for those who prefer a more technical automated life
this project was made for Ender dragon discord community you can join our discord and play with us at :
by the way there may or may not be a herobrine hunting you am just saying
mods list :
- Bookshelf (by DarkhaxDev)
- Just Enough Items (JEI) (by mezz)
- Custom Starter Gear (by brandon3055)
- Enchanted Golden Apple Crafting (by betathunder1)
- Enchantment Descriptions (by DarkhaxDev)
- MinecraftCapes Mod (by james090500)
- CraftStudio API (by ZeAmateis)
- Villager Market (by face_of_cat)
- EnderCore (by tterrag1098)
- Prefab (by wuestman)
- ConnectedTexturesMod (by tterrag1098)
- RandomPatches (by TheRandomLabs)
- Carry On (by Tschipp)
- Ender Storage 1.8.+ (by covers1624)
- Environmental Tech (by ValkyrieofNight)
- Chameleon (by Texelsaur)
- ReAuth (by TechnicianLP)
- Storage Drawers (by Texelsaur)
- Ender IO (by CrazyPants_MC)
- AppleSkin (by squeek502)
- Bonsai Trees 2 (by davenonymous)
- GraveStone Mod (by henkelmax)
- FTB Library (by FTB)
- Waystones (by BlayTheNinth)
- ValkyrieLib (by ValkyrieofNight)
- OreLib (by OreCruncher)
- The One Probe (by McJty)
- MegaLoot (by Winter_Grave)
- The Disenchanter Mod (by impelon)
- KleeSlabs (by BlayTheNinth)
- Sound Filters (by Tmtravlr)
- Extra Utilities (by RWTema)
- Mowzie's Mobs (by bobmowzie)
- LLibrary (by _ForgeUser11902522)
- SwingThroughGrass (by exidex)
- Dark Utilities (by DarkhaxDev)
- Immersive Engineering (by BluSunrize)
- FastFurnace (by Shadows_of_Fire)
- Biomes O' Plenty (by Forstride)
- Flux Networks (by sonar_sonic)
- Chisel (by tterrag1098)
- FoamFix (by asiekierka)
- Inventory Tweaks (by JimeoWan)
- Dragon Mounts 2 (by TheRPGAdventurer101)
- Tinkers Construct (by mDiyo)
- Dynamic Surroundings (by OreCruncher)
- Uppers (by vadis365)
- Patchouli (by Vazkii)
- Mantle (by mDiyo)
- Tough As Nails (by TheAdubbz)
- JourneyMap (by techbrew)
- CraftTweaker (by Jaredlll08)
- Mekanism (by bradyaidanc)
- Refined Storage (by raoulvdberge)
- Neat (by Vazkii)
- Actually Additions (by Ellpeck)
- Construct's Armory (by TheIllusiveC4)
- Anvil Patch - lawful (by Lumber_Wizard)
- Set Home & Waypoints (by dodgeman)
- Redstone Flux (by TeamCoFH)
- IvToolkit (by Ivorforce)
- Recurrent Complex (by Ivorforce)
- Animania Farm (by Tschipp)
- Botania (by Vazkii)
- CodeChicken Lib 1.8.+ (by covers1624)
- Thermal Foundation (by TeamCoFH)
- Dynamic Lights (by atomicstrykergrumpy)
- Better Builder's Wands (by Portablejim)
- CoFH Core (by TeamCoFH)
- Animania Extra Animals (by Tschipp)
- Quark (by Vazkii)
- Simple Dark Mode (by tecspacey)
- Just Enough Resources (JER) (by way2muchnoise)
- CoFH World (by TeamCoFH)
- Lapis Stays in the Enchanting Table (by csb987)
- Underground Biomes (by Kreezxil)
- Ore Excavation (by Funwayguy)
- Clumps (by Jaredlll08)
- Baubles (by Azanor13)
- The Twilight Forest (by Benimatic)
- Iron Chests (by ProgWML6)
- FTB Backups (by FTB)
- AutoRegLib (by Vazkii)
- Cyclic (by Lothrazar)
- Fast Leaf Decay (by olafskiii)
- Villager Death Messages (by Serilum)
- The Legend of Herobrine 1.12.2 - 1.15.2 (by AlexMacLean)
- BetterFps (by Guichaguri)
- Ice and Fire: Dragons in a whole new light! (by alex1the1666)
- FastWorkbench (by Shadows_of_Fire)
- Armor Toughness Bar (by tfarecnim)
- Pam's HarvestCraft (by pamharvestcraft)
- Mouse Tweaks (by YaLTeR)
- Torchmaster (by xalcon)
- Roguelike Dungeons (by Greymerk)
- Animania Base (by Purplicious_Cow_)
- FTB Utilities (by FTB)
- More Overlays (by FeldiM245)
- Tinkers' Tool Leveling (by bonusboni)
- VanillaFix (by Runemoro)
- Placebo (by Shadows_of_Fire)
- Simply Jetpacks 2 (by Tomson124)