This modpack brings together UHC and modded Minecraft. Players can fight with guns, craft special armor and weapons, collect Loot Bags, find structures with special loot etc.
-custom structures and loot
-couple of utility client-side mods
-custom loot bag system
-cosmetic and optimization mods
I recommend using these Java Arguments:
-XX:+UseG1GC -Xmx3G -Xms3G -Dsun.rmi.dgc.server.gcInterval=2147483646 -XX:+UnlockExperimentalVMOptions -XX:G1NewSizePercent=20 -XX:G1ReservePercent=20 -XX:MaxGCPauseMillis=50 -XX:G1HeapRegionSize=32M -version:1.8+
Documentation (English)
There are currently 5 structures that generate in the world:
-Military base
Contains chests with random ammo, guns, armor, food and loot bags. It has soldiers guarding it.
-Enchanting Building
High in the sky, you can get level 30 enchants here. Guraded by a 4-heart Evoker.
-Brewing Spot
Brew potions, duh.
-Blaze Island
Has Blazes and a Wither Skele spawner guarding a really valulable loot. This is the only way to get a nuke.
-Ore room
These spawn frequently underground if digging instead of fighting and exploring is your playstyle. Has some ores and a loot chest.
Loot Bags
There are 6 types of loot bags in this value order(low to high): Common, Uncommon, Rare, Epic, Legendary and Artifact Bag for ammo. Loot bags can be opened with right click(you get one item per bag except for Common, there you get 2). You can use JEI to see what will each loot bag give you.
Loot bags can be kept in Bag Storage and exchanged for better ones. Cycle bag to increase/decrees tier.
Killing peaceful mobs will give you Common bags, hostiles give Uncommon(Enderman and Witch give Rare) and Players will drop Legendary. Ammo bag can be crafted(see JEI).
Tech Guns
Guns need the right ammo for them, R to reaload, left click to shoot.
There are 4 tiers of backpacks, basic one can be crafted or found in the military base, rest are found in loot bags.
GPS gives you the location of the player that also has a GPS. Supercharged version gives you the location of all players.
Lootable Bodies
When a player dies, it leaves a body on the ground, right click to access its inventory. You have a certain time before the body disappears.
Dokumentacija (Srpski/Serbian)
Potrebno je skinuti Twitch Launcher: i napraviti Twitch account. Onda odete u Mods/Minecraft/Browse All Modpacks i pronadjete Event's UHC 2. Jos predlazem da promenite verziju Jave na najnoviju ovako:
Sto se tice OptiFine-a, Twitch ne daje da ga ubacim u modpack ali ga mozete sami dodati u mods folder odavde(desni klik):
Trenutno postoje 4 nove gradjevine koje se generisu u svetu:
-Vojna Baza
Sadrzi loot chestove gde se mogu naci random oruzje i random municija, hrana, armor i LootBag-ovi.
-Enchanting Gradjevina
Nalazi se visoko u nebu i omogucava level 30 enchantove. Sadrzi i anvil-e.
-Brewing Mesto
-Soba Ruda
Nalazi se pod zemljom i daje po nekoliko blokova od svake rude iz Minecraft-a.
Loot Bag-ovi
Postoji 6 vrsta loot bag-ova koje po vrednosti idu ovim redom: Common, Uncommon, Rare, Epic, Legendary, Artifact Bag daje municiju za oruzje. Loot bag se moze otvoriti desnim klikom(dobija se jedan item u odredjenoj kolicini(za neke je random a za neke uvek 1), moze se videti sta se moze dobiti u Loot Bag-u pretragom u JEI i onda desni klik na odredjen loot bag i pojavice se tab koji treba kliknuti koji se zove Loot Bag ili ako imate u inventory da stavite strelicu na loot bag i onda pritisnete U.
Loot bag-ovi se mogu staviti u Bag Storage i tu razmenjivati za bolje. Cycle bag za promenu na veci/nizi tier.
Common i Uncommon se dobijaju od mobova(hostile uvek daju Uncommon a peaceful je 10% Uncommon i 90% Common. Takodje od mobova se moze dobiti Artifact(municija) Bag(10% peaceful, 15% hostile). Legendary se dobija od igraca a ostali se craftuju.
Ako oruzje ima odgovarajucu municiju moze da se napuni sa R.
Puca se na levi klik a nisani na desni.
Mega Loot
Otvara se desnim klikom i dobijaju se random oruzja, armor, alati ili Rings(moguce je imati dva na sebi u baubles mestu koje se otvara sa B):
Postoje 4 vrste backpack-ova koji se mogu craftovati ili dobiti od Loot Bag-ova, svaki bolji Tier ima vise slotova od proslog.
GPS vam daje lokaciju igraca koji isto ima GPS upaljen a supercharged pokazuje lokaciju i ako nema.
Lootable Bodies
Kada se ubije igrac ostaje njegovo telo koje sadrzi sve iteme koje je imao, pristupa se desnim klikom.