this is my Modpack,
GregTech Beyond
it's made for all of you GTNH friends
version 1.12.2
core mods: Enderio, Gregicality, GTCE, Thermal Expansion, Forestry + addons, IC2, Galacticraft Avaritia + Addons and some quality of life mods (overall 99 mods)
right now only the ages until uxv have been implemented, most of the expansion mods (enderio ic2 ae2) have only been nearly fully implemented
galacticraft features 6 Tiers of Rockets
gregtech features 14 Power tiers (steam is disabled)
Thermal Expansion is reduced to dynamos and the induction smelter
Enderio is reduced to the QoL features and some machinery
Ic2 Features most of it's content, except items that are already included in gretech
Ae2 features only the core mod to this point of time (ExtraCells 2 will be added to a later stage)
Contenttweaker features about 60 items and some have been added trough the config of gtce
CraftTweaker features 3k+ lines of scripts
BetterQuesting features 1k+ Quests
if you find any errors, feel free to message me and i'll try to get it fixed asap
Discord : Blocky#0377
-note there might be some errors in my grammar, because english is not my primary language