Industrial Engineering's main purpose is really to make large amounts of power as creatively as possible, preferably with steam involved. Then use all that energy to power large multiblocks, like Immersive Engineering's Crusher or Arc Furnace, or Magneticraft's awesome ore processing system. A few other mods are included to make it more interesting, with Thaumcraft being the frontrunner.
Any suggestions about what mods to add, subtract, square root, etc., please don't hestitate to comment!
(P.S. This modpack is still in alpha, so changes are still to come)
- Binnie's Mods (by Binnie567)
- Buildcraft (by CovertJaguar)
- Carpenter's Blocks (by Syntaxial)
- CodeChickenCore (by chicken_bones)
- NotEnoughItems (by chicken_bones)
- ChickenChunks (by chicken_bones)
- Ender Storage (by chicken_bones)
- Chisel 2 (by TheCricket26)
- Immersive Engineering (by BluSunrize)
- Engineer's Toolbox (by emasher)
- Mantle (by mDiyo)
- Tinkers Construct (by mDiyo)
- ExtraTiC (by JeanGlassmaker)
- BdLib (by bdew)
- iChunUtil (by iChun)
- Hats (by iChun)
- Immersive Integration (by UnwrittenFun)
- Inventory Tweaks (by Kobata)
- Iron Chests (by progwml6)
- Jabba (by ProfMobius)
- JourneyMap (by techbrew)
- Morpheus (by quetzi)
- NEI Integration (by tonius111)
- OpenModsLib (by OpenMods)
- OpenBlocks (by OpenMods)
- Pressure Pipes (by bdew)
- Project Red - Base (by Mr_TJP)
- Project Red - Integration (by Mr_TJP)
- Project Red - Fabrication (by Mr_TJP)
- Project Red - Mechanical (by Mr_TJP)
- Project Red - Compat (by Mr_TJP)
- Project Red - Lighting (by Mr_TJP)
- Project Red - World (by Mr_TJP)
- Quiver Bow (by Domochevsky)
- Railcraft (by CovertJaguar)
- McJtyLib (by McJty)
- RFTools (by McJty)
- Thaumcraft (by azanor)
- Thaumcraft Minus Thaumcraft (by Assassinfox)
- TiC Tooltips (by squeek502)
- Waila (by ProfMobius)
- Waila Harvestability (by squeek502)
- EnderCore (by tterrag1098)
- WAILA Plugins (by tterrag1098)
- WailaAddonBC (by pome315)
- Wawla - What Are We Looking At (by darkh4x)
- Natura (by mDiyo)
- Storage Drawers (by jaquadro)
- ArmorStatusHUD (by bspkrs)
- StatusEffectHUD (by bspkrs)
- CoFH Core (by TeamCoFH)
- Advanced Generators (by bdew)
- NEI Addons (by bdew)
- Thermal Foundation (by TeamCoFH)
- Forestry (by SirSengir)
- Big Reactors (by erogenousbeef)