This is a Jojo mod-pack filled with more mods to give the player much more to explore, while also filling the need to become stronger from training.
Instructions for the most enjoyable Jojo experience:
DO NOT USE THE Ripples of the Past STONE MASK TO BECOME A VAMPIRE. For a better vampirism experience it is highly suggested to get bit by or use vampire fangs on yourself in order to become a Vampirism mod vampire, it is much more developed vampire wise and is less of a hassle to combine the powers with the stand and (if you so wish) hamon powers, making the experience much smoother overall(it also helps with long range if leveled right) to level up you have to get different alters and other materials, it is too much to explain here so if you wish to know more go to the Vampirism mod page.
In order to get hamon you have to find a Hamon Master or (and I do not know this for a fact because I have no friends) learn from another player. The Hamon Master can be found in Hamon Temples, which are located in the mountain biome. Once learned you have to train 3 things, Hamon Strength by attacking with hamon, Hamon Control by using Hamon Abilities, and finally Breathing Technique, which is the hardest to train, but by training it consecutively every day you get a bonus making it faster. I have it set to not lose hamon, but you can change yourself if you'd like. Hamon also does extra damage to even modded undead, so yes Vampirism mod Vampires too.
To get a stand you must either find a meteorite in a snowy biome and mine core with a diamond pickaxe and craft a stand arrow with it, or find one in a dessert temple. You can use the arrow, but the higher your experience the better tier stand you'll get. You can train your stand by attacking vanilla mobs with it (from my knowledge punching vanilla mobs is the only way it goes up) and when the experience bar get's high enough, depending on the stand it will get different abilities.