Life in the Industrial Village

Life in the Industrial Village


Life in the Industrial Village is a direct copy from xDreamz modpack, Life in the Village, but with a few mod additions to further progression.

DISCLAIMER: I have received xDreamz Permission to reproduce the pack with additions. 

The idea of the pack was to add more technological progression throughout the entire world, adding Refined storage and Steve's Carts to automate colonies development with machinery, Immersive engineering to add the steam-punk feeling of machinery to give players villages a new look, some new survival challenging mechanics such as improved hunger and mobs, and mods like Tinker's Construct and Construct's Armory to compensate.

The pack adds:

  • Immersive Engineering;
  • Tinkers' Construct 
  • Serene Seasons 
  • Steve's Carts 
  • Hunger Overhaul 
  • Tektopia
    and a few more additions!

    The Discord that's used for xDreamz Packs:

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